Did I ruin my new motor?
God I hope not. I got a crate motor out of a 79 from a buddy of mine for next to nothing as a favor to me. Well I degreased it and power washed it as it has a few leaks. My plan was to install new gaskets and paint the motor before install. The motor has close to 20K miles on it but is in great shape. Or was.
Fast forward to my dumb a$$ last night when I was installing new freeze plugs into it as two were leaking and one of which is the large one that goes on the back of the cam. Well it did not pop out easy like all the rest so I used a screw driver so I could help pry it out. It finally came out but not before destroying the cam bearing. I heart sank after seeing what I had done.
This is my fist crack at this so I ask y'all who have way more experience with all this, did I ruin my motor? I know you cannot replace one cam bearing so does this mean that the motor will have to be completely torn down to install new cam bearings?