1947 3600 Frame Help Update
Since the other thread went south, I'm starting this new one. I have since found a couple rear mounts (for the front springs) and a set of springs that are in excellent shape. I have them all installed on the truck. I apologize for the confusion and all.
I went ahead and fabricated most of the other pieces I needed.
Now, I need a REAR leaf spring for the same truck! These are the 2" wide ones for the 3/4 ton trucks. I understand that the 3800 trucks used the same leaf springs. I am still at least a year out from the truck hitting the road, but need to make room in the shop for the cab, so I need a leaf spring to get that done. Another reason is getting everything set up for brakes, shocks, etc. I'd like to have everything hung, so I can get things measured correctly, then fit my bed, aprons, etc. To do this, I'd like a leaf spring on there to get going. It doesn't need to be "perfect" just serviceable. All I really need it the top leaf with the loops.
My plan is to buy new leafs this Summer/Fall (2019), when I can afford them.