Originally Posted by Mhussnatter
elf w/capital T Thanks for the reply man. So you did not use a vented filler tube just that angle type filler tube straight down to a metal or rubber tube with no vent? Do you have any issues with filling the tank ? Like air lock or anything?
I did not use the vented cap, but I did have the vent hose from tank run up near the cap and put one of those cheap vent caps on it...
Yes filling it up was a pain in the butt, not sure if it was because the filler line was just over 1 inch... not a fan of the lmc sdde fill tank... doesnt have baffles so under 1/2 tank...the gas gauge would. fluctuate and was annoying... I'm actually installing a Boyd's tank now. It has a 2 inch filler and a vent orface... I might get a angled cap with the vent and try that... but I just got my 2inch fuel filler hose and HOLY smokes, its night and day comparing the two