The stock cast iron 4 bbl intake is STILL leaking on my new crate 350/290 (previous thread March 7 I removed the manifold, re-cleaned everything, chased the bolt holes & cleaned and used new gaskets. I used Ultra black around each port and bolt holes on both the head surface and the manifold surface. I used ARP Thread Sealant on all the threads. After I filled with coolant, I get a leak from #2 right bolt. Not as much as before, but it still seeps out. I checked the 30 torque setting with 2 different torque wrenches.
Where do I go from here? If the manifold has been cut previously, could that be my problem? And how does a machine shop know how to cut it now to match the new engine? Getting the truck to a machine shop would require towing it there, but if required, then so be it.
Any new ideas or comments?
I have read that the factory would routinely use radiator Stop Leak in case of any leaks. Anyone think this might help, or is this just a witch doctor fix?