Originally Posted by Redneck Rydes
When I worked at GM we used to have a suggestion system,where employees could fill out a sheet to suggest better ideas to save the company money,so my friend decided to fill one out in 1982 ish,to have GM paint the engines black,because people were complaining about valve covers leaking oil and the oil would show on the blue engine,so if the engines were painted black,you would not see the seeping oil,so that is why the engines went to black in the 80's
They should have paid you enough to retire, with some small fraction of the cost savings!
Where I used to work has a lot of high bays. The roll up doors were as tall as 50 feet, and they were all painted dark gray. One of the electrical techs put in a suggestion to paint them all gloss white to reflect more heat. He was awarded 10% of one year's worth of the calculated drop in the electric bill. He wouldn't say how much it was, but I'm sure that the company's electric bill was in the millions.