03-13-2021, 05:10 PM
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Utopia
Posts: 216
Re: Engine removal tips
Originally Posted by Gregski
having pulled the engine out of my '74 as a one man circus act numerous times, I would like to share a few stories in pics that you may find at least entertaining
tips, if doing inside, watch the placement of your truck in relation to the garage door opener, watch out for the garage door in the open position as well, go short on the chain as short as you can, get a cranky crank engine hoist balancer thingie the gray thing in the pics, worth every penny at Cardboard Freight. if you plan on doing it yourself, get a buddy to help you, LOL (swallow your pride, not worth the scratches and hang ups) wives, and ex wives or teenagers don't make for good helpers, beer drinkin' friends do
Core support outta the way looks MUCH easier!