Originally Posted by Classic Bowties
Keith, before stepping it up to the next level, we will kindly ask that you contact HCC directly with your offer and delete your above post in our F/S thread. Given that we are only offering the hard to find mounting clips by the pair with the purchase of each delete plate doesn't give you the option to jump in our thread with your offers. We have to pay the site hundreds of dollars per year to list/sell here and folks adding or offering parts in our F/S threads to circumvent the fee's isn't allowed. After checking your profile out and seeing "67-72 Parts Hoarder" and finding some thirty five F/S post on the parts board in the last few weeks, you yourself may want to view/revisit the subscription tiers here on the site and/or maybe have a look at the below linked thread. Thanks, Mel/Classic Bowties
I get that you are a paid vendor, but that gives you no right to moderate on the site. Please use the report a post feature like everyone else and leave the moderating to the staff. You do realize lowlife99 is a former staff member and does indeed know the rules. He is also a valued member of this site, as are you. Just because you are a paid vendor does not give you the right to belittle a member and moderate them. Not cool.
Feel free to message me about this, but this is the LAST it will be allowed in this post. No pissing matches and not moderating other members are rules as well.