This is my first custom build. I haven't worked on it for over a year. (car accident), but I'm back on it again. The truck was a lowrider with hydraulics, it was a 30/30 truck (looks good from 30 ft. @30mph). so I thought I'd redo it, but somewhere it turned into a full custom build. But now I'm thinking air bags with 20" rear and 18" front wheels. Let me know what you think.

handmade solid tailgate,window to show off hydro. pumps. fenched plate (still need to make rollpan)

Rounded bed corners

fenched taillight into fender.And yes that is a 72 fender(it was on the truck when I got it) I'm thinking now of getting the correct fenders.

raised floor, sunk fuel.

4 batteries each side sunk into floor and two hydo prmps in front of gate window