What's up everyone! Sorry I have been gone a while had to spend a little less time on the net due to some side jobs.
The 496 I'm building went in a different direction than I had planned after I got pissed about my cracked block. Finally found another block and we are back on track there. Ordered a custom grind cam from
http://www.hekimianracing.com/ and should be able to order my heads soon. Going to order a set from Shafiroff, he is listing some outragous deals right now with free shipping.
Truck still runs but after I fixed the rear, I had to hunt a really bad vibration down. Turns out that I twisted the driveline as well as twisted the splines in the slip yoke. I broke a bunch of **** with that little escapade. Hopefully things will be much stronger now. My nitrous soloniod went out on me so now I have to replace that .... grrrrr