Pay me! Pay me! Pay me!
I thought this was supposed to be a friendly forum with truck enthusiast sharing information.
Whats up with people wanting to be paid for information and tips. Yeah, I know we make our living with the information we possess when we are making our living, but why try to stick it to someone when we are all playing with our trucks here.
Lately, I've seen post where board members ask how someone does something and they get an answer like oh its a "trade secret" and I read another post where someone want $50 to let you talk to them on the phone...........well, good luck to you guys, must not feel like you've been sucessful enough without a message board whose members all have a hobby in common.
I have damn near 30 years experience working metal, build some of the fastest cars around. No Busch or Winston cup team would have you hang a body on their cars unless you knew what the hell you were doing. But you know what.......I'm no prema donna, I'll give anyone who ask as many tip on what I do and what I know.....for free. And know what else.......I've come to realize that if your heart is in the right place, the more you give the more you are given.
Well, nuff a my ventin..........