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Old 02-19-2009, 09:05 AM   #26
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

GRUMPYONE, welcome to the board! That's a decent project you got there. I like those wheels. I'm actually considering those for my truck as well. My dad is looking at the polished or chrome ones for his 56 BelAire.

As for lowering, you also need to decide what your gonna do with the truck. Is it just gonna be for show? Daily driver? Are you gonna haul stuff in it? These are factors that will also help in your decision. Your budget will make the decision as well.

I did a 3.5/5 on my 68. I would feel perfectly comfortable hauling moderate loads in it if I were to still haul anything other than folding chairs and a cooler. I know others have been lowered more and still haul plenty of stuff. My ride quality hasn't suffered any either. I used all ECE products and I will say I've never had better service than with the ECE guys.

Here's a few shots of mine.


68 C10 stepside, LS1/700R4, TCI Engineering suspension system
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:51 AM   #27
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

I don't charge people to help them...Now if you want me to do it for you that's different. What you need has a lot to do with how much drop you want. Are you planning on still using it for heavy work or just the occaisonal piece of furniture , engines, transmissions and stuff like that? I'm personaly a fan of using a drop spindle in the front as opposed to a big drop spring (should that read small). My truck is dropped with all Early Classic Enterprises parts. The front is done with 2.5" drop spindles combined with 1" drop coils. Out back I've got 6" drop coils and shock relocaters and a super track bar kit. I love the way it rides and drives but the rear will hit the frame from time to time....Of course I drive it like I stole it. I do still haul things in it but you have to kinda ease around when it's loaded. I just brought home a large tool chest and had no problems. I've also hauled furniture and the occaisonal appliance.

We've got all the parts gathered and are about to do the same drop on my little brothers pickup very soon. The only difference is that his truck is going to get a C-notch to alleviate the bottoming out in the back. We can install the drop spindles and coils in the front in about an hour. The back takes a bit longer. The biggest headache out back is getting out the rivets for the shock mounts. Once you get those out it's a breeze to finish it up. If you don't mind pulling the bed a torch makes quick work of the rivets.

If you don't want to go quite that low you can do it like we did Brian's. It's got 2.5" drop spindles and stock coils in the front. Out back are 5" drop coils, shock relocaters, and the super track bar kit. All the parts are from ECE as well.

Chuckles pickup had the same drop in this pic as Brian. He has since changed his wheels and dropped the front another inch.

This is Brian's sons pickup. It has 2.5" drop spindles in the front and 5" drop coils in the back. Brian built the shock relocaters and the longer track bar for this one himself. The spindles and springs are from ECE.

As you can tell we're firm believers in using ECE for our drop. I wouldn't personally run any more then a 1" drop coil in the front lots of people run 2" and have no problems. 3" drop coils are available for the front but you couldn't get me to use them. They tend to fall over in the coil pocket when you jack the tires up off the ground, not to mention it makes it difficult to seperate the ball joints from the spindle later. (When using the...hammer method). As far as rear blocks go....Well, stock height springs and drop springs (no matter how much the drop is) all pretty much cost the same. If you want a 5" drop out back put a 5" spring in it, don't use a 4" spring and a 1" block. All you're doing is adding to your expenses by purchasing a block. Now, with that being said, if you've already put in your drop springs and then realize you didn't end up with as much drop as you wouldv'e liked...then add a block.

Newstalgia wheel has a great bunch of guys working for em! That's where Brian, Chuckles and myself ordered our wheels from. I don't know how good of a deal you can get but 67 c-30 may come out better ordering them online. Since he lives in Alabama he won't have to pay TN sales tax, not to mention they ship for free. Now if you've got a hookup for a better deal give me a shout. My brother is getting ready to order some 20" Coys and I'm sure he'd rather have grey centered TTII's if he could get em for close to the same price. I've also got to get some wheels for my next project...don't know what i'm going to run yet though. Feel free to shoot me a PM with any questions about dropping your truck that you may have. I'm far from an expert but I've done a few of these and I'll try to help you out.
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:42 PM   #28
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

Originally Posted by see ten View Post
Let us know if you need any help with the drop...We're just down the road a piece from you!
I can install the drop myself, but would like the help of all that will come. What i realy need is to get you to look at and tell what i need to achieve my goal. I dont haul anything i have a suburban and trailer. So for this it is just a cruiser. I want it to sit about one inch over the tires. I cant explain it it sits higher than alot of stock ones ive seen and dont know what to get. If i order a 2/4 drop will it just close the space between the fender wells 2/4, because there is 6 inches above the tires to the fenders?

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Old 02-19-2009, 09:43 PM   #29
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

Hay is that you with no hair or is it a bad hair day HAHAHAHA cool Truck if i do say so myself TIM
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:47 PM   #30
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

Originally Posted by boneyardratz View Post
Hay is that you with no hair or is it a bad hair day HAHAHAHA cool Truck if i do say so myself TIM

Yea it is i got it for a good price you should know it was your.
Thanks for the deal, should have told me about this board when we got it.

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Old 02-20-2009, 12:26 AM   #31
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

I'd start by measuring the distance from the rear axle tube to the frame. The guys at Early Classic have told me that their 6" drop springs should leave 3" between the frame and the axle tube (Mine ended up being closer to 2.5"-2 3/4" but I've got a spray in bedliner that could effect things). We have to assume that your factory springs have sagged somewhat (unless they're new) so if you feel your truck is 4" to high in back we just can't put a new 4" drop coil in. That coil may in fact only lower you 2.5" or 3". Once you get your current measurement and make a determination of how much lower you want to go we can do the math and figure out how much drop you need. After you get your amount of drop figured for the back, it's just a matter of picking out what's going to match it for the front. With your truck having been 6 lug from the factory and being as now its been converted to 5 lug it's hard to say what has and hasn't been done. Knowing what year balljoints/spindles you have would help if you decide to go the drop spindle route. Give me a shout and I'll do all I can to help ya out.
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:33 AM   #32
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Re: Newbie with pics of my truck

In for more pics and stuff.

A bunch of nice trucks in here, including the first one.
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