Newbie bagger
I scored a long bed 66 last year , with what i hope is the original 289 in it . I would like to bag her ...But i am new to the bagging scene . I had a 89 chevy that i lowered ... 4 up front and 8 in the rear , so lowering a truck is not new to me . Its the bagging that I am not used to. I would like to use this truck to haul my trailer and also ride down the highway looking low and lean. To accomidate my need to haul, what size air bags do i need up front and in the rear. Not wanting to cut out fender wells or nothing or remove fender wells . I dont really need to lay frame. but if i can with out cutting up the truck cool...(but I really Doubt it). Where is the best site to find good quality bags and tanks and there a step by step how to on this site , with pics lol.....Really want to be able to utilize the truck as a truck but look good doing it...