I plan on getting rid of the o.e. "coffin can" single master, but don't want to go full disc. I plan on using the frame mounted bracket from Brothers, classic, cpp etc like this one
Which master did you use? They started mandating dual reservoir dual system in 1967. I have narrowed my options to the 67 and up nova or the 67-76 corvette. The nova requires the removal of the restrictor for disc and is 3/4 bore giving a shorter pedal less effort feel than the 1" bore of the covette, which was equal pressure due to the front and rear disc. I have searched a bunch and still on the fence. I don't want to go hydroboost as I don't want/have p/steering. I don't want power boost, nor do I want to switch to disc. Looking for those who have done and are using, swapped in a dual master on a drum system and what path did you take?
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