Hello Everyone, I just joined this site to find out some information on a very odd chevrolet truck that I reasonately found. I have never seen another one like it and I want to see if any of you can give me as much information on it has I can learn. I have narrowed it down to being either a 47-48-49-or 50 year. The odd thing about it is it has a 3 door extended cab. There are 2 doors on the passenger side and 1 door on the drivers side. It also has a factory rear window on the back of the cab that rolls down. The tag on the inside drivers door pillar is very hard to read but I did see 16000# GVW. On the side of the hood it says "Chevrolet Loadmaster".I was told that it was a old power company truck that had a flatbed on the back of it. I can send pictures to someones email address but I have no idea how to post pictures on this site. Is there someone here that will send me there email address for me to send pictures to that will post them under this topic for me. I am eagerly awaiting to see what this thing is and just how rare it may be. Thanks, Tim