Electric or Manual Fan?
I currently have an electric fan on my truck, but since it's gotten hotter, the truck heats up to about 240 degrees or so when idling. The electric fan that is on there was on the truck when I bought it, so I have no clue what kind it is or how many CFM's it can flow. The engine is a brand new crate 350 from GM, and i put a new water pump and thermostat in it as well...including a new radiator. I have no problems with temperature as long as I'm driving, but when I pull a trailer or idle, it heats up a lot. I'm getting ready to put a brand new A/C system in it and I know that is going to add heat as well. Should I put a bigger electric fan or possibly dual electric fans, or should I put a flex fan in it? The truck has a 3.5" body lift on it, so a manual fan doesn't seem to line up without me modifying the shroud. What do ya'all think? Also, I was thinking electirc fans would help with power in my truck since it's lacking. If I should go electric...what kind should I get???? Josh