On the new gaskets, I'll get y'all some feed back after getting my timing light and vac guage from work tomorow. I need to tune this thng again.
So far, Off idle torque is awsome...it lunges alot more than before, and that is with 1.000 pounds of caddy big block and loooong shaft TH400 in the back!
It also seems to like alot less ignition advnace. This could be wrong, but I think it is alot closer to TDC than it was. (always set it by ear, but this time it seems alot further from my markings.)
As you can see on the side by side, the Torque plus gasket has a lot more material than the blue Fell Pro. (which is a fine gasket I might add, look at how it came off in one piece after about 25 months of use and a real good overheating)
This looks to be a 2 ply, all fiber gasket, with no metal innards, unlike the blue one which looks to have copper in it. However, it does have the metal screen, so i guess it does have some metal in it.