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Old 11-06-2010, 07:29 PM   #1
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bagin my 67, help please.

i picked up my first 67 chevy, has 4" front 6" rear static drop. lookin to g as low as posible but my engine choice kinda limits his..... dam CTD being so dam tall. i will be 3/4 ton up front to match my d70 8 lug patern.

still sbc drop coils...... saged out a little bit. but would like this to be my ride height.
im new to this air ride thing so, my quesins are
1. do i want my bags extended to say 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 of full travel at ride height?
2. my front x member should be 1.5"-2" away front the ground at full drop can this be achieved just from a bag or will i need drop spindles aswell?.
3. are single or double convulted bags better up front? or is it just the amount of lift u want/room u have to work with?
4.the 12valve cummins weighs a bit more than a sbc with the tranny it should weigh in at 1500-1600+#, 2600# bag will still be fine right...
sorry if some of thies have been beat to death but couldnt find what i needed
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Old 11-06-2010, 11:22 PM   #2
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Re: bagin my 67, help please.

Cool project.
I think your oil pan is going to be your limiting factor.
I like using drop spindles with bags, so the ride height is still lower than stock.
You will need a double convoluted air bag up front.
Maybe even a 8" diameter bag to help with the weight of the Cummins. (Slam Specialties RE-8 or SS-8)

Your ride height really depends on the front end alignment.
I found this out on my blazer.
I wanted my actual ride height to be an inch or two lower,... but I couldn't get the camber and caster dialed in at that height.
Get some drop shocks and see where you are at,... in the center of the shock travel.

Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 11-06-2010 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 11-07-2010, 01:17 AM   #3
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Re: bagin my 67, help please.

ya i know the oil pan is my limit. my front member will have to sit about 1.5-2" off the ground. just didnt know if i will need drop arms to get there. i have 1/2ton 6 lug right now and a 2" drop spindle (what i was told when i bought it). will be upgrading to 8 lug to match the ff rear im puting n to take the power. the 1/2ton and 3/4 ton spindle are diffrent right? when i do my 73-87 swap i will lose my spindle and gain 2" of lift. and wanted to know if i could get as low as i want with out spindles. or should i just open the pocket and get some spindles.

and by shocks u mean bags? i set the bag at 1/2 travel for ride height?
ya the bags i was looking at are
•2600lbs Capacity @ 110 PSI
•11" max, 3.5" min height
•5" - 9" Ride height
•6" Diameter
thought they should be suficient?
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Old 11-07-2010, 09:26 AM   #4
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Re: bagin my 67, help please.

ya i know the oil pan is my limit. my front member will have to sit about 1.5-2" off the ground.

just didnt know if i will need drop arms to get there.

i have 1/2ton 6 lug right now and a 2" drop spindle (what i was told when i bought it). will be upgrading to 8 lug to match the ff rear im puting n to take the power.
Do you have any pics of your spindles? Most are 3" or 2.5".
They do make 3/4 drop spindles but they are expensive. $400+

the 1/2ton and 3/4 ton spindle are different right?

when i do my 73-87 swap i will lose my spindle and gain 2" of lift and wanted to know if i could get as low as i want with out spindles.
or should i just open the pocket and get some spindles.
You can probably get there without spindles.

and by shocks u mean bags?
No,... shocks.
You will need to run a shorter shock. The stock shocks will be too long.

i set the bag at 1/2 travel for ride height?
ya the bags i was looking at are
•2600lbs Capacity @ 110 PSI
•11" max, 3.5" min height
•5" - 9" Ride height
That sounds like a really good idea.
But if you can't retain your front end alignment you will chew up tires like crazy.

•6" Diameter
thought they should be suficient?
I would say No.
A 6" or 7" diameter bag is good enough for a small block chevy engine.
Most guys that bag duallys with big block Chevys or diesels, us a 8" diameter bag to handle all the weight.

Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 11-07-2010 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 11-07-2010, 09:29 AM   #5
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Re: bagin my 67, help please.

I would recomend getting the 3/4 ton parts swapped in, and the truck running and then worry about the suspension.
You will have more weight with the front sheetmetal installed also.

Use good drop shocks and add a sway bar up front.

Convert to disc brakes.
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Old 11-07-2010, 12:53 PM   #6
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Re: bagin my 67, help please.

ya im going to get good shocks and have a sway bar already. but my front coils arnt going to take the weight right now so thats why im puting in the bags now
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