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Old 09-14-2018, 12:24 PM   #1
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mega noob


I have a really basic, dumb question for all you experts. I will be starting(sometime in the future) a 1951 five window truck makeover, and my question there a basic list of things to do, and the order to do them in? I plan to go with Corvette front/rear suspension, some form of LS engine/electronic tranny, then just a standard upgrade to interior and body. Not intending this to be a show truck. I will also add a chassis stiffener.

Obviously I am NOT a mechanic, but I can handle tools and am not afraid of this project, just need a game plan. The one big question that I keep coming back to in my mind is engine placement, as I am getting rid of the straight six.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


P.S. reading all the great build threads here IS intimidating and helpful, as you guys know what you are doing!!!
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Old 09-14-2018, 01:05 PM   #2
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Re: mega noob

Welcome, Before you do anything with the stock six check the title and see if they used the engine number or the number for the door post as the vin on the title. If the engine number (next to the distributor on a machined pad) matches the vin on the title DO NOT LET THE SIX GET AWAY) until you have the title corrected to reflect an engine change. It's reasonably hassle free to get the title updated to using the number on the door post tag as the vin but you need the 6 cylinder block as proof that that is the truck you say it is. That saves a "what do I do now" post later.

Engine placement is going to be where it fits fore and aft in the engine compartment.

I have always tried to get the vertical centerline of the crank on the same level in the chassis as the old engine had. Meaning if you were to draw a straight line front to back through the crank an trans main shaft your LS and automatic would sit real close to that straight line as viewed from the side. It simplifies drive shaft angles and other issues.

As far as mounts I'd start by asking the outfit you get the C-4 installation kit from. See what they say and go from there. You would have to talk to Chassis Engineering but these mounts might work

It seems that everyone and their shop dog are selling LS swap mounts so you may have several options there. The great part of that for you is that guys seem to come out with better swap stuff every week. On some swaps including one I have planned when the engine in my OT daily dies is oil pan clearance. Some of the LS pans hang down right into the space where other stuff has to be.
Founding member of the too many projects, too little time and money club.

My ongoing truck projects:
48 Chev 3100 that will run a 292 Six.
71 GMC 2500 that is getting a Cad 500 transplant.
77 C 30 dualie, 454, 4 speed with a 10 foot flatbed and hoist. It does the heavy work and hauls the projects around.
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Old 09-14-2018, 01:53 PM   #3
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Re: mega noob

If your wanting vett suspension check out flat out engineering....they have some sweet prepared to weld....if you can't, this is no project to learn on...get a buddy or hire a cert welder to do it...there's gonna be alot of it taking mr48 says the engine can't be put in very many positions as the engine compartment is small and it really limits what you can do...don't forget that steering has to snake around everything...the vett uses r&p...just take it slow and concentrate on and thing at a time...don't tear the whole thing apart at once...get your front suspension done before you try to install the engine...with all you have on your list you might want to look into a full chassis with everything your wanting...although not cheap it may be a better alternative to get where you want..
And pictures..we need pictures
Mongo...aka Greg

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Last edited by mongocanfly; 09-14-2018 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 09-14-2018, 02:29 PM   #4
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Re: mega noob


Thanks for the quick responses. Mr48, Texas must be a little different but not much on the title thing, this truck already had an engine swap, but they didn't catch it where the owner did his tag work, sooooooo, I had to go the bonded title route, and got a new vin number that I had to restamp on the block,and(yipeeee) I get to do it again when I upgrade.

Mongo, I can weld but I don't think I can weld to the level needed for suspension safety levels. I have already been in contact with Flat Out, I have a buddy with several sets of vette fronts and rears, so as I get started I think alot of my minds questions will become a little less of a real question.

I am still months away from retirement and this is my life-after-work project, so I think I have alot on my plate to keep busy with.

Look forward to getting started and pictures will be coming, as I am sure I will still have questions that I can't find answers to on this forum somewhere
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Old 09-14-2018, 02:40 PM   #5
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Re: mega noob

I found out years ago that if you can do the fitting and tack things in place so that someone with good welding skills can just weld it up without having to spend time fitting things it isn't hard to get someone to weld it (a buddy if you have a welder)

In the early 70's I would tack things together and take them either to a local welding shop or my buddy down the street to have them welded up.. All I had then was a little 50.00 buck welder from Montgomery ward that used a special welding rod that I had to buy from them. I've still got that thing out in the shed come to think of it.
Founding member of the too many projects, too little time and money club.

My ongoing truck projects:
48 Chev 3100 that will run a 292 Six.
71 GMC 2500 that is getting a Cad 500 transplant.
77 C 30 dualie, 454, 4 speed with a 10 foot flatbed and hoist. It does the heavy work and hauls the projects around.
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Old 09-14-2018, 03:31 PM   #6
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Re: mega noob

Welcome and congratulations on your upcoming retirement!

Sounds like a fun project and there are certainly talented / knowledgeable folks here who can help. I echo what Mongo mentioned about a chassis as far as buying one done. It would certainly be worth evaluating for time and cost vs building one.
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Old 09-14-2018, 05:44 PM   #7
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Re: mega noob

Welcome and good luck with the build. And like Mr48 said, pictures, lots of pictures.
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:23 PM   #8
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Re: mega noob

Welcome to the group, and look forward to updates and pics...Jim
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