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Old 10-29-2004, 05:35 PM   #26
This, is my BOOMSTICK!
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zooza, I love police officers like you. I've run into a couple that were really level-headed and very respectful. Those are the ones that let me slide when I know damn well they could have ticketed me. I just wanted to jump out of the car and give them a kiss i'll tell you.
It just sucks when you get pulled over for speeding or something, you know what you did, and in most of my cases I really didn't mean to go 5-10 miles an hour over the limit, and the police officer makes you feel like a complete ass about it.
The thing that really stinks is that I had an officer get really sarcastic with me and I knew that I couldn't question his attitude (and he knew it too).I will give him one thing though, he did let me off, of course it was probably because I only ran a yellow light and I let him know that I was very sure about it. It just really stinks when you run into an officer that hides behind his badge because they really do ruin it for the good ones. Let's face it we have all probably run into that one bad cop.

Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)
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Old 10-29-2004, 05:45 PM   #27
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zooza,I was the one that made the getting out of the car comment. It was more of a joke than anything.
It did happen to me once though when I was probably about 18. My friend got pulled over at probably about 1 in the morning in Philly and I was the passenger. the police officer yelled over his horn to get out of the car. he didn't specify who to get out of the car so both me and my friend started to get out of the car and the police officer started to frantically yell at me and had me put my hands on the roof. I was frightened because I thought that I was just short of being shot at because it has happened in that city before and it has happened to innocent un-armed people because the police officer got a little paranoid. It was just a little experiance that I guess that I can kinda look back at now and maybe have a little chuckle about.
No insult intended on that comment because I really do respect the law and the dangers that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)
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Old 10-29-2004, 05:48 PM   #28
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Nice to know that zooza is a decent officer. I must say that in some of that smaller towns in the west corruption rules and everyone else suffers.
1967 Chevrolet LWB with built 292! 415 ft. lbs of torque, 4 speed :O with 27% overdrive too, 3.73 Posi. Frame and body done... getting painted!!!
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Old 10-29-2004, 05:50 PM   #29
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no offense taken, I understand the barriers that exist between law and the public. I just want to get home to my family and work on my truck in my spare time! LOL
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Old 10-29-2004, 06:04 PM   #30
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Amen to that one.

Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)
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Old 10-29-2004, 08:54 PM   #31
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I get pulled over regularly, at least I used to, if the officer is cordial and has a point I just grin and bare it, hell sometimes I'm a dumbass (aren't we all) and deserve a good talkin to And if so I just take it.

If they get real assholish to me though, that's when I make a show of calling my lawyer and asking him "what I should do" and asking "so am I under arrest, if so I need to call my lawyer so he can make sure my rights aren't violated" that sorta thing, I've been pulled over dozens and dozens of time (60 or more in my lifetime) and mostly I've never had to deal with true assholes. I pulled the "hang on lemme call my lawyer on my cell phone so I can make sure you're not ****ing with me" and he gave me a warning and left. Guess he WAS just f-ing with me after all

When my kid gets sent to school in his own car (in about 12 years) he'll have a card in his wallet with my number, cell phone, my corporate attorney's cell phone, office number, etc and instructions to use them if he feels he should. He'll also carry one of my prepaid legal cards with him too. I don't like the idea of some ****kicking city cop messing with him just because. If the little bastard is doing something stupid I'll come down on him as hard as any cop ever would.

Last edited by Gary; 10-29-2004 at 08:56 PM.
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:00 PM   #32
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Story circulating around Texas; may be one of those "social rumors"...

Lady speeding slightly is pulled over by Texas State Hiway Patrol...trying to put humor in the situation when the officer approached the window and asked for her license she reportedly said, "I guess you pulled me over to sell me a ticket to Texas Hiway Patrolman's Ball?"

to which the officer replied, "No Ma'am, Texas Hiway Patrolmen don't have Balls."

Moment of silence and they both burst out laughing, Cop hands her license back and walks away laughing and embarassed.
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:06 PM   #33
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I am so very sorry,but I have to respond to the previous post.I do have respect for law enforcement.I love my son very much.I hope I have taught him to respect authority.If he was to do something illegal I would be there for him.I WOULD NEVER CALL HIM A LITTLE BASTARD.I am sorry,but I am very offended.I hope you do not abuse your son.Teach your children to be good human beings.
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:03 AM   #34
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i agree that he probably had reason to ask you about alcohol/drugs based on your eyes (even if there was a legitimate reason but went overboard with the lights...i also know that traffic stops are one of the most dangerous situations officers do (I'm a dispatcher and when an officer marks out on a traffic stop we immediatly send a backing officer before getting lic/vehicle info)..a lot of times they dont want you out if the car b/c you are then a potential threat to them, especially when there is not backing unit.
The one time i got a ticket, i got one for my taillights not being red (i had clears with red bulbs and the bulbs had faded and were more amber) The officer had me step out to see that they were no longer red. HE has been polite seeing me now at the rescue squad and i may not have realized they had faded unless he stopped me.
-'02 Chevy Avalanche, 5.3L, 4x4... needing a small lift and bigger tires
-'72 Chevy C-10(350, bored 60 over)dual flowmasters, 3 on the tree
-'85 K5 Blazer,305 NO MORE...350 is in,2" lift,33" Mickey Thompson Baja Claw Radials
-dads '70 burb (red, 5-7 drop, 350...)
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:07 AM   #35
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The cops don't need you, and man they expect the same.
-Bob Dylan

Long time ago, I shared a du-plex with a UHP trooper. The first time we really ever spoke, he asked me what I did for work and I told him I worked on the drilling rigs. He asked 'ain't that pretty dangerous work?'
I looked him in the eye and said 'I don't have to carry a gun.'

Musta hit a nerve. He turned around and walked off and never spoke to me again.
'68 Panel
Project Boogie Chillin'
'68 C-10
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Old 10-30-2004, 09:52 AM   #36
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It was 11:45 PM and there were no cars on the road at all. I had just said to my buddie "Man if there is a cop that would be one lame ass job just waiting for a car to come over that hill so you could give them a ticket"

Well I had a Sweet Cop. ( Young Chick) pull me over about 2 minutes later because. I was doing 31 km over 121 in a 90. She asked me if I knew how fast I was going I said " I have no idea I was going down the hill and watching the road. I have been driving for the last 5 hours and i am about 2 minutes away from the Collage dorms. I am going to spend the weekend with my girlfriend. She took all the good stuff and came back with a 10 over ticket. Well that was the first cop that was not a dick.
1968 Suburban numbers matching all original truck now equipped with 6.0/4L80 on Accuair
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Old 10-30-2004, 10:05 AM   #37
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I've come upon several cops over the years & some of them are Okay. I'd say 2/3 are even pretty good guys. The other 1/3 have been the biggest pricks I have ever met in my life. On 2 occasions, they've even come into parties (no drugs, just loud music & noise complaints), pushing people around, like some prick in middle school who's obviously trying to pick a fight.

I'll see if I can find an older study I once came upon.... but a quick synopsis. 90% of all cops fall into one of 2 categories, which helps to explain their personalities. 90% of all cops were either "bullies" in school, or, they were bullied around & now its their turn.

This kinda explains the occasional over zealous attitudes.
85' CUCV M1009!!! The newest addition!
6.2diesel, Th400, NP208, & only 36k miles!
70' C-10 LWB Fleetside - Looking good these days!
05' Dodge Neon
88' Winner Escape Sport 1750 - 4.3v6
94' Seadoo SP
84' Honda TRX200, bare nekkid. Just a frame & tires.

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Old 10-30-2004, 11:57 AM   #38
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I know about getting harrassed by police, I got a total of 21 tickets in one month not all of them where point tickets, but it was still enough of them to give me a total of 11 points. You lose your license at 12 points. All of these where from the same town. All it was, is that I drove a truck that was very noticable and look like it would haul ass and they just had my number. My parents, boss and other cops that I was friends with all tried to find out what the deal was with no luck. They just didn't like me. I sold the truck and haven't had a ticket in almost 5years. I'm still paying for the other ones by way if insurance.
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:23 PM   #39
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Your lucky that they didn't permanently remove your driving privilages, period.
3 driving infractions in a 2 year period around here and you have to go to some kinda driving classes. I think that you might get your license suspended as well until you complete the classes.

Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:24 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by kingsolver72
I am so very sorry,but I have to respond to the previous post.I do have respect for law enforcement.I love my son very much.I hope I have taught him to respect authority.If he was to do something illegal I would be there for him.I WOULD NEVER CALL HIM A LITTLE BASTARD.I am sorry,but I am very offended.I hope you do not abuse your son.Teach your children to be good human beings.
I love my kid too but if he's doing something that required the cops to get involved then he's being a little bastard Hopefully he'll have the good sense not to be a little bastard too often in his life but let's face it we've all been a doofus at one point or another, hopefully my son will survive his doofus moments with all his extremities intact but I still don't want a law enforcement officer throwing his weight around at my kid, I want him to respect the police and be respectful, but I don't want him to fear them or think they're some sort of omnipotent being that must be obeyed at all times, sometimes cops are just assholes, as anyone can be (ever been to the DMV or had to get a tag? jesus christ can those ladies be evermore annoying) and I don't want him feeling like he has to put up with some prick with a badge's abuse just because he has a badge. If he was being a doofus then hey that's part of the price of being a doofus, but if he's just minding his own business and gets pulled over for no good reason other than he's a kid driving a car then I want him to know if he ain't done nothing wrong he doesn't have to be abused or feel scared at some cop pulling him over.

And my apologies to any police out there reading this, I've met quite a few cops and other law enforcement and most of them were absolutely awesome people to know, but man there are some major bad apples out there too.
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:55 PM   #41
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one time i got pulled over for not having my head lights on, i had my bright as hell fog lights on and my marker lights, and the officer talked to me a little told me what i was being pulled over for went back and checked my license. when he came back he said your lucky i decided not to write you a ticket before i pull your record, quite colorful. then he sat there for 5 minutes BSing about my truck and that he wishes he never sold his 71 yadayadayada. a guy just doing his job, thats fine. then i was riding with my friend in his acura integra. loud exhaust lowered, cop magnet. we were coming back from a comedy show down town and he started out in first used all rpms and stabed second and slowed probably getting into 35mph in a 25. a cop a few blocks back heard the exhaust and hauled up and pulled us over. sure excessive acceleration, loud exhaust............Speed Racing! there was no cars around us. it was a 400 dollar ticket and they seized his car. he was fully licensed and insured. they searched us and the car, we were helpful and nice, and we walked away for the site. it costed another 400 bucks to get the car out. evidently you can get a speed racing ticket for 'testing' the ability of your car. so if you hammer the throtle at the light and tach it out you can get a ticket and have your car towed. those cops where @$$holes
1968 1/2 ton 2wd lwb 6 lug disc and bags up front. Next c notch and rear bags

'02 Chevy Silverado LT ext cab short bed 2WD 5/7 drop on 22's(the family car)

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Old 10-30-2004, 02:08 PM   #42
This, is my BOOMSTICK!
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The way that I look at it is that when you are young and you get pulled over for doing something royally stupid, you get screwed big time, as you probably should.
The one thing that I am wondering is if a police officer would handle an adult differently. For example, my step-father has a 78 Vette and decided that he wanted to take me for a ride in it. We were on the Roosevelt Blvd. in Philly, sitting at a light. When the light turned green he decided to punch it and got that thing up to like 130 in a heartbeat. I was scared s#!tless and the only thing that I could think was what if a cop saw that would my step-father lose his car. Probably, but I think that the cop would handle the situation differently dealing with a 50 y.o. man than a 18 y.o. kid.

Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)
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Old 10-30-2004, 05:34 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by spencra
The way that I look at it is that when you are young and you get pulled over for doing something royally stupid, you get screwed big time, as you probably should.
The one thing that I am wondering is if a police officer would handle an adult differently. For example, my step-father has a 78 Vette and decided that he wanted to take me for a ride in it. We were on the Roosevelt Blvd. in Philly, sitting at a light. When the light turned green he decided to punch it and got that thing up to like 130 in a heartbeat. I was scared s#!tless and the only thing that I could think was what if a cop saw that would my step-father lose his car. Probably, but I think that the cop would handle the situation differently dealing with a 50 y.o. man than a 18 y.o. kid.
Absolutely he would, a 50 year old man with a Vette is very likely to be a lawyer himself, or a business man with "big bucks", maybe a city councilman, you name it, as in "someone who might could make said cop's life a bit uncomfortable" a teen with a vette is just a spoiled kid in need of some lessons (yeah I know quit generalizing).
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Old 10-30-2004, 06:11 PM   #44
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I have A "72 Vette" and I drive that to every extent of the law. I do not want to loose it. And tickets suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"72" Red CORVETTE 4-speed 350
"70" Chevy Short Bed early stages of resto.
Edel 600 cfm carb
Weiand Stealth Intake
shorty Headers
4/2 Drop
295 50R 15 TOYO on 10 inch wide corvette rally rims at all 4 corners.
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Old 10-30-2004, 07:38 PM   #45
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most police officers around here are pretty laid back. they are good old boys and alot of them grew up here. as long as your not speeding in the middle of town or around houses they are usually very leanient. they`ll even stop and hang out where us hot rodders hang out and b.s. for awhile. sometimes they`ll do the get on it motion with there hands when we leave. they pull alot of ricer cars over because they`re usually speeding down some side street around corners or doing that wannabe drag racer thing they do, but they tend to leave us oldie car drivers alone.
85' SWB, 4.3/TH350, getting ready for paint
84`SWB, 462ci./TH400, cowl hood, 15" billet spec., flows, blazer buckets/console, flat black
71`SWB, project
ebay feedback
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