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Old 03-14-2008, 08:00 PM   #1
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Re: Another parts store funny.

a lot of times, I'll look on line first, if its a part I've never ordered before, look at the picture, (if there) and then when I get to the counter, I know the part number... they freak out, and ask for engine, year, etc... I just say,, I want part # ...... there is a local NAPA near me, but I know they will never have the part in stock, I always have to order it, so if I have time, I can wait for them.. usually there is someone hanging out there, that can help with part selection..
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Last edited by rambler; 03-14-2008 at 08:01 PM. Reason: brain fart
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Old 03-14-2008, 08:04 PM   #2
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Re: Another parts store funny.

this won't surprise Liz Not Jacki one bit... I'll normally go straight to the femail parts person if give n the chance.

But that's cuz I'm a perv.
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Old 03-14-2008, 08:27 PM   #3
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Went into AZ looking for a flex fan for my 52. I ended up dealing with the manager, a guy about 50. We couldn't find one that would work. So he suggested that I put in an electric fan.

I asked if he had one that would work, and he said yes.

Then I said it's a 6 volt system. He suddenly developed a stutter!

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Old 03-14-2008, 08:54 PM   #4
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Re: Another parts store funny.

you'd think than some one that is about 50... would at least think to ask about that... it was still somewhat common when he first started driving/
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Old 03-14-2008, 09:14 PM   #5
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Well I guess I'm lucky
We have 3 parts stores in town Parts Plus, Tap, & O reillys
Tap kinda just sucks cuz they never have anything, O reillys has the modern dumbass computer questionare & Parts Plus is kinda in between

I can walk in Parts Plus get greeted my name & asked what I'm working on today, then get to the counter shoot the bull a bit & say I need a part# blah & they usually have it, can cross reference or order it
Just occasionally that they ask all the questions as to what it goes in, but even then they can basically figure out whats in it & just be double checking with me to make sure they got it right

They may not be as cheap as the O reillys but it cuts down on hassle & time
Just not low enough...

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Old 03-16-2008, 05:05 AM   #6
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Re: Another parts store funny.

The other day I went to my local napa store & asked for 2 oil filters.She went through the whole make,model,year, drill.I told her & she comes back just as proud as punch with 2 filters. I told her those were not a small block chevy filter(they were tall & skinny.Late model?) I told her it should be short & fat(like me)
So we go thorough whole question drill again,she finds the right number.The computer says they have seven,the shelf says they have none,what do I do she asks? Well the other gal working sells me the NAPA master select filters & I'm outta there.I found out the master select filter is a NAPA silver filter that's just shrink wrapped instead of being in a box.They are supposed to be for commercial accounts only.I'd rather have one shrink wrapped than in a box anyway,best part is they were only $1.99 each!
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Old 11-11-2017, 11:42 AM   #7
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Re: Another parts store funny.

This thread is nearly ten years old...

Two of the old guys that I used to use and depend on have passed away...

Another old guy retired...

I ended up divorced, then wound up dating the chick that kept getting asked to install wiper blades on the 4x4 with 44" tires... that didn't work out... maybe I should of had her install some wiper blades

My dad actually had a job for a year or so at Auto Zone delivering parts... He said that he was asked a series of mechanical knowledge questions during his interview. My dad had worked as a mechanic back in the 70s-80s, but hadn't done anything like that for a living since then. The manager that interviewed him said my dad seemed to know more about working on cars than the guys who were doing it for a living today.

Parts stores can still be frustrating...
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Old 03-14-2008, 09:58 PM   #8
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Re: Another parts store funny.

There system is by make model engine drivetrain etc, etc they have to go through that whole bs line of questions to finally get to your part. If you have a part number they should have gone to the shelf and found the belt, but they don't deal with car guys much they deal with parts swappers and the computer leads them to the part. They make minimum wage, the same as the kid a Mc Donald's so I cut them a ton of slack especially since I wouldn't want to do thier job (well and get paid minimum wage!)
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:15 PM   #9
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Re: Another parts store funny.

But the fact is, if you're looking for certain parts, you just plug anything in as engine, 2/4wd etc. because some parts, no matter what the computer says, it just doesn't matter. Personally I'd rather look it up in a book....hated when we converted to computer.......
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:25 PM   #10
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Re: Another parts store funny.

so thw question is jacki....
DO YOU know what a distributor is???
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:31 PM   #11
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
so thw question is jacki....
DO YOU know what a distributor is???'s what I'm gonna beat you to death with
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Old 03-15-2008, 04:00 AM   #12
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Originally Posted by redneckgirl View Post's what I'm gonna beat you to death with
We need video tape of this happening!!!
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:26 PM   #13
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Re: Another parts store funny.

all of a sudden, feel afraid!
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Old 03-16-2008, 06:30 PM   #14
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
all of a sudden, feel afraid!
I just knew this one would get good...

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Old 03-16-2008, 09:22 PM   #15
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Re: Another parts store funny.

OK, after reading all of that....I am the most stunned by:
me - ok how about a 327 in a 1969 holden
clerk - yeah we have those in stock
I would have bet that most places wouldn't even know what a Holden was....

But that is not my only comment...imagine that.
First off, like others have said, many of these people are just working the job that they have....they are not gear-heads.
Second, the "old counterperson" is a dying breed. They will become extinct, there is no way around it. "Old-School" books are going away and computers will eventually be the only way. Things move so fast that they have-to... and autoparts stores sell so much more (accessory junk) than an old timey place ever though about. Also there are not as many people working on their own cars/trucks as there used to be, especially "hard parts, as opposed to oil/filters etc. Life has gotten faster and things have gotten much more complicated on vehicles too.
3rd, I see their point about people walking-in, knowing what they want, that are clueless. They look things up to be "sure"....doesn't mean that they are right either, but they have done their "due diligence"
4th, Stuff that is 40 yrs old is kinda "not-fair" now isn't it? What can you really expect?
5th, computers have a tendency to make everyone dependant upon them. Haven't you noticed that most cashiers can't "make change"....they give you the amount that the machine says. Many of them are pushing a button that is a picture of what you asked for....and they have to search for that!
6th, if the computer doesn't know.........they probably can't sell it to you anyway? How would they ring it up?
7th, Barcodes....double-edged sword, just like the computer itself, if it is working fine...great, good-to-go....if not, stand-by.
8th, goes with 4th....combining vehicles is really not fair to the computer, but the counter people really should learn to listen to the customer.
All-in-all it is a tough situation. The best you can do is find someone that does the bast that they can...and be loyal to them.
Years ago, when I was a mechanic at a 4x4 shop, we had a local NAPA store that was great. This was way before they started to "go retail" to get some of the market-share from the other guys. It was the "old-school" commercially oriented parts store. There were half a dozen counter guys and the all knew what they were doing.
There really some aspects of "the good old days" that really were good.....LOL

Oh, BTW...........I came here as a result of a "reported post". Please keep it civil and refrain from the name calling etc.

Last edited by LONGHAIR; 03-16-2008 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 03-17-2008, 01:41 AM   #16
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Originally Posted by LONGHAIR View Post
OK, after reading all of that....I am the most stunned by:

I would have bet that most places wouldn't even know what a Holden was....
Yeah, but he's in Australia, Everybody knows what a Holden is there.
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:41 PM   #17
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Re: Another parts store funny.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like the Schmuck's we have not far from me. I know that I'll get someone competent whether the girl that won the swimsuit contest at the local car show helps me or the other guy that's always there. I went in the other day for a water neck gasket and he started to type in the info until I said small block Chevy, then he turned around and went right to it. He said, "That's old school stuff".
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Old 03-16-2008, 05:11 AM   #18
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Originally Posted by Blue'72 View Post
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like the Schmuck's we have not far from me. I know that I'll get someone competent whether the girl that won the swimsuit contest at the local car show helps me or the other guy that's always there. I went in the other day for a water neck gasket and he started to type in the info until I said small block Chevy, then he turned around and went right to it. He said, "That's old school stuff".
Shes a gear head,she actually knows cars & parts.If that is the west Kelso store give Louie the mgr. crap for his license plate.
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Old 03-16-2008, 05:57 PM   #19
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Re: Another parts store funny.

I got one too. Pulled out the 4 speed trans from the C30 and needed a new pilot bushing at 11:00am on a Saturday, raced to the parts store to get one before they closed at 12.

me - I need a pilot bushing to suit a 350 chev
clerk - make and model
me - 79 chev c30
clerk - sorry our computer only shows those with 292 6's
me - ok got any its the same
clerk - sorry could be a two week wait
me - ok how about a 327 in a 1969 holden
clerk - yeah we have those in stock
me - ok i'll take that then
clerk - but it won't fit
me - all chev engines from 1955 take the same part regardless of what they are in
clerk - but it won't fit

By this point I was getting a little p*****d
me - look mate I have been messing with these engines for 10 years now just please give me the part
clerk - ok but you will be back when it doesn't fit
me - no I won't

Paid for it left store installed it and its still there 3 years later

I guess its the same problem around the world lol

I can sympthise with you about the Studebaker, same store, need a set of head gaskets for a 454 chev, whats it in, a 1937 Dodge Roadster........dumb looks usually follow
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:46 PM   #20
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Oh man, you guys.. That reminds me. Don't go in and try to buy a vacuum advance for an HEI in one of our trucks! I finally had to make up a new truck's description...
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:53 PM   #21
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Our local Schucks is so bad I just use the online ordering when I need something. Go online pick my parts and then have them ready for me when I go to the store. Walk in hand them the paper and say I ordered these online, they walk back grab the parts that have already been pulled for me and I walk out, no more dumb exchanges with kids trying to give me the wrong parts.
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Old 03-14-2008, 11:09 PM   #22
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Re: Another parts store funny.

That's a pretty good idea Augie
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Old 03-14-2008, 11:13 PM   #23
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Re: Another parts store funny.

Isn't a distributor someone that distributes stuff (ie a parts store is a distributor of parts, right?!)
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Old 03-14-2008, 11:55 PM   #24
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Re: Another parts store funny.

No, it's what you are if you made a mistake by honoring someone or something. You dis-tribute someone or something that you had originally made a tribute to. You become a dis-tributor.. Duh...
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Old 03-15-2008, 12:40 AM   #25
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Re: Another parts store funny.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. About 2 miles from the house is a little parts store, the sign out front jsut says "Discount Auto Parts" The older guy that owns it really knows his stuff....he's an old hot rodder from back in the day. His son works in there as well and hes just about as good. Theses guys are lifesavers when I realize I need to replace something I didnt thin kabout during a swap.....or if aI lose a bolt. If he has to order something for me it is usually in by 3 the next day.

Great service, good knowledge and you cant beat their prices or Quality...thats hard to find nowadays.
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