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Old 12-02-2012, 04:09 PM   #26
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Re: What type of person does this?

First let me say, I'm sorry your going through this! I'll tell you one "kinda" person who would do this... My 16yo daughter did this very thing to someone and ran scared of the outcome, by the time she got home and she and I went back the vehicle was gone, we informed the police but what can they do unless it was reported. I'm not saying what she did was right at all, she was young and very scared of the trouble she could get in, she wasn't scared of my reaction because she knew I only care about her safety. That was 9 years ago, we never found the vehicle or person, and she hasn't had another accident since. IMO, count your blessings and maybe the person that did this is in worse shape than your truck that can be fixed.
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Old 12-02-2012, 04:17 PM   #27
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Re: What type of person does this?

Thanks all........It's the Holidays and I'm not really going to dwell oh it happening. I understand theses things happen and I'm just glad its not any worse then it is and know one got hurt. I'll just fit it and let it be...Not enough to get mad over.
Nice to know i can come here and blow off steam...Hahaha

Merry Christmas.........
Measure with a yard stick
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Built it yourself, don't count on others to to do it for you or with you. It will never get done
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Old 12-02-2012, 05:41 PM   #28
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Re: What type of person does this?

Originally Posted by Clyde65 View Post
First let me say, I'm sorry your going through this! I'll tell you one "kinda" person who would do this... My 16yo daughter did this very thing to someone and ran scared of the outcome, by the time she got home and she and I went back the vehicle was gone, we informed the police but what can they do unless it was reported. I'm not saying what she did was right at all, she was young and very scared of the trouble she could get in, she wasn't scared of my reaction because she knew I only care about her safety. That was 9 years ago, we never found the vehicle or person, and she hasn't had another accident since. IMO, count your blessings and maybe the person that did this is in worse shape than your truck that can be fixed.
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Definitely this. (Good on you Clyde making her fess up!)
Today the person you hit, you in this case, might beat the crap out of you or even SHOOT you for dinging their car so any time you're in an accident it's a scary situation.

I wouldn't have left a note either - you might show up at my house with a pipe - but I would have reported it to the cops so they can tell you my insurance info when you report it.

Did you call the police?
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Old 12-02-2012, 06:04 PM   #29
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Re: What type of person does this?

Originally Posted by FetchMeAPepsi View Post
Definitely this. (Good on you Clyde making her fess up!)
Today the person you hit, you in this case, might beat the crap out of you or even SHOOT you for dinging their car so any time you're in an accident it's a scary situation.

I wouldn't have left a note either - you might show up at my house with a pipe - but I would have reported it to the cops so they can tell you my insurance info when you report it.

Did you call the police?
No I did not going to worry about it too much...Im just going to fix it...
Measure with a yard stick
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Built it yourself, don't count on others to to do it for you or with you. It will never get done
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Old 12-02-2012, 11:44 PM   #30
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Re: What type of person does this?

The type that seem to be more and more prevalent in our society. I've had 2 similar incidents happen to me in the last year... where it ended up costing me financially and emotionally because someone wouldn't take responsibility for their actions. Makes you lose faith in mankind... sorry this happened to you.
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Old 12-03-2012, 01:59 PM   #31
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Re: What type of person does this?

Many years ago my Dad had a 63 Bel-Air and was parked at the local grocery store sitting in his car. Now remember the car was over 10 years old at this point, rusty, but was the family's only means of transportation. This guy pulls into the spot next to Dad and opens his door and dents my Dad's car. The guy gets out and shrugs it off saying " It's an old car " so Dad swings open his door denting the guys new car and says " So's mine ".
Once in a lifetime.....
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Old 12-03-2012, 02:22 PM   #32
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Re: What type of person does this?

Originally Posted by aerotruk63 View Post
Many years ago my Dad had a 63 Bel-Air and was parked at the local grocery store sitting in his car. Now remember the car was over 10 years old at this point, rusty, but was the family's only means of transportation. This guy pulls into the spot next to Dad and opens his door and dents my Dad's car. The guy gets out and shrugs it off saying " It's an old car " so Dad swings open his door denting the guys new car and says " So's mine ".
Once in a lifetime.....
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Old 12-03-2012, 02:53 PM   #33
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Re: What type of person does this?

What type of person you ask? Someone who has no respect of other peoples things. Someone who does not have the same love for these trucks as we do. Someone who in my book is a complete piece of $&(%@.
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Old 12-10-2012, 02:36 PM   #34
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Re: What type of person does this?

Good as was making me Crazy. I had to fix it..
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Measure with a yard stick
Mark with Chalk
Cut with a torch

Built it yourself, don't count on others to to do it for you or with you. It will never get done
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Old 12-10-2012, 02:50 PM   #35
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Re: What type of person does this?

Awesome job! Looks 100% untouched
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Rebuild a carburetor
See My Build - Cecilia!
Some people are like slinkys. Not worth much but funny as heck when pushed down stairs.
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Old 12-10-2012, 09:41 PM   #36
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Re: What type of person does this?

Whew! Nice job - the hassle sucks, but now YOU can sleep at night. And embed hidden cameras in your side view mirrors...
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Old 12-10-2012, 10:59 PM   #37
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Re: What type of person does this?

as nice as before... problem solved, good job.
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Old 12-10-2012, 11:09 PM   #38
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Re: What type of person does this?

I know this feeling oh so we'll. 5 hrs after buying my truck someone baçked into the bedside and ran... Not only that I had no insurance cards yet so I got questioned by the cops and luckily insurance covered it... Sorry bout your truck man.
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1965 Chevy Bagged,361 sbc,voodoo cam,1.5 full roller rockers,patriot 185cc vortec heads 2.02-1.60,vortec weiand polished intake,demon carb

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Old 12-11-2012, 09:52 AM   #39
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Unhappy Re: What type of person does this?

Sorry to hear that.
I've been a victim of a hit an run myself on my daily driver.

Hit-and-run accidents are Class 1 Misdemeanors in North Carolina.
If the person is caught they could be charged under NCGS 20-166 c which is a class 1 misdemeanor and assessed 3 driver's license points.
Under this type of NC misdemeanor there is a possible jail term of 1 to 120 days. The amount of the fine is discretionary with the court. Sentencing by the court under this charge will depend upon your prior conviction level. It can range anywhere from a fine to community service to 120 day sentence. The more prior convictions, the stiffer the sentence a judge can impose. With five or more prior convictions, the statute allows for up to a 120 day active jail sentence.

North Carolina General Statute 20-166 C(1) states that...driver as set forth in subsection (c) shall give his or her name, address, driver's license number and the license plate number of his vehicle to the driver or occupants of any other vehicle involved in the crash or to any person whose property is damaged in the crash. If the damaged property is a parked and unattended vehicle and the name and location of the owner is not known to or readily ascertainable by the driver of the responsible vehicle, the driver shall furnish the information required by this subsection to the nearest available peace officer, or, in the alternative, and provided the driver thereafter within 48 hours fully complies with G.S. 20‑166.1(c), shall immediately place a paper‑writing containing the information in a conspicuous place upon or in the damaged vehicle. If the damaged property is a guardrail, utility pole, or other fixed object owned by the Department of Transportation, a public utility, or other public service corporation to which report cannot readily be made at the scene, it shall be sufficient if the responsible driver shall furnish the information required to the nearest peace officer or make written report thereof containing the information by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles within five days following the collision. A violation of this subsection is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

As you can see it states in the NC Statute that if you hit a car that is parked and unattended that you should contact the police to give your information or leave a note with your pertinent information on the damaged vehicle in a conspicuous place so that the owner can contact you about the damage and possibly made a claim with your insurance company.

North Carolina law requires that you stop after being involved in any accident. When you stop you are required to provide the other driver or pedestrian with "reasonable" assistance if they are injured and give information such as your name, phone number, and insurance company to any other driver of another car involved in the accident.

If you fail to fulfill your duty to stop, you may be charged with hit and run. The category of this offense and the potential sentence depend on the severity of the accident. If the accident only results in property damage and/or minimal injury, you are facing Class 1 misdemeanor charges. Misdemeanor hit and run for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage or minor injury carries a potential sentence of up to one year in jail as well as fines.

If the accident results in death or a serious injury, Class H felony charges may be filed. Felony hit and run carries a potential sentence of up to 8 months for a first time offender. This means if you have no criminal history, 8 months is the most time you will be sentenced to. If, however, you have prior convictions on your record, this sentence can be increased substantially.

It's a shame that we live in a "It's all about me world!" No care for anyone else or their property.

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Old 12-11-2012, 10:40 AM   #40
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Re: What type of person does this?

Lots of people drive without insurance . Those people are almost gauranteed to run .
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Old 12-11-2012, 11:09 AM   #41
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Re: What type of person does this?

The repair looks great, ol_skool. The situation sucks, but you handled it with a lot of class.

I have had that happen to me as well, and it's not a pleasant situation.
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Old 12-11-2012, 11:26 AM   #42
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Re: What type of person does this?

Originally Posted by ol_skool_chevy View Post
Thanks all........It's the Holidays and I'm not really going to dwell oh it happening. I understand theses things happen and I'm just glad its not any worse then it is and know one got hurt. I'll just fit it and let it be...Not enough to get mad over.
Nice to know i can come here and blow off steam...Hahaha

Merry Christmas.........
Repair looks Great!!! Come here anytime and vent! We are here for ya!!
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Old 12-11-2012, 11:55 AM   #43
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Re: What type of person does this?

Nobody pays attention to the law, I lost a 78k original 64 C10 to a hit and run semi-truck a few yrs ago, lost another vehicle (well, a Toyota) to another hit & run a year later, and been hit as a ped once at work by an ass in a Chevy van. All drove off, and cops did nothing in any of the cases-they didnt see it happen, even though witnesses did see it. Sometimes I wonder why I still try to have something nice-someone else will just screw it up.
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Old 12-11-2012, 12:04 PM   #44
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Re: What type of person does this?

Some people suck!!!

Beautiful work on the repair. A+++!
Joseph Chavez
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Old 12-11-2012, 07:59 PM   #45
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Re: What type of person does this?

A woman in a Suburban swung her front bumper in my wife's car, took out the door, quarter and gouged the aluminum wheel. The woman tried giving my wife $200 to get it fixed, my wife called the cops, the woman had just totaled out a car and her husband got her a Suburban so she would be safe, after the incident with my wife the woman couldn't get insurance anymore.
It cost $2200 to fix the car.
This summer a buddy took his 37 Ford Cabriolet to the store, no one was parked around him but when he came out the rear fender was caved in and no note. The Ford was a feature car from some Vintage Ford magazine, he was upset !!!
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Old 12-11-2012, 08:48 PM   #46
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Re: What type of person does this?

Looks like it never happened!! Nice repair work!

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Old 12-12-2012, 06:14 PM   #47
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Re: What type of person does this?

It really bugs me when people don't respect others's property, especially vehicles. My daily S-10 shows a few scars from people being inconsiderate. I have a fiberglass lid on it that is painted black and it has numerous scratches on it from people using it as a table and putting crap on it while its parked at a store and then just sliding it off. I was actually sitting in my truck once when some nitwit was standing behind my truck talking to someone and he set his briefcase on my lid so I started up my truck and the guy started saying "I'm sorry, I didn't see you in there". He was only sorry 'cause he got caught? He's lucky I didn't back over him and say "I'm sorry, I didn't see you back there.

'63 GMC lwb, 383, th350, lays frame, genuine patina.
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Old 12-16-2012, 02:34 PM   #48
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Re: What type of person does this?

Great job on the repair. Top notch job.
I've been a victim of parking lot dings and dents. No major hit and runs. Thank God.
I was teaching my daughter(the blond one in the "I wasn't mad when it died vid")((pg.15 #356)) how to drive on an old gravel road.
To make a long story short the pick up ended up going through a farmers barbed wire fence.
After getting the s-10 4x4 out of the field we drove straight to the farmers house. Told my daughter that being straight up an honest is the right thing to do.
The farmer was so taken by our honesty he asked only for us to replace 3 of the metal fence posts that ended up being ran over. $18.
He gave some encouraging words to my daughter (she had been upset and crying due to the incident). Said that we were the first people in the last 5 yrs to own up to what we did.
She gained confidence in her driving and what needs to happen if such a situation arises again.
It pays to be honest.
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