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Old 07-18-2003, 01:06 PM   #26
Just like to part out trucks!!
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First of all, I want to THANK you all for your responses, I'm not blaming the guys that run the board, I'm just bringing it to the attention of everyone. I LOVE THIS BOARD!!! I wish I would of knew about it when I built my 67. I've never been screwed yet but there will be a first I'm sure. I just see guys making excuses for not sending out parts, and I don't think there is any excuse for doing that, well maybe death, his own. And as far as buying ans selling stuff on here, I don't have problems with that, its amazing what parts you can find on here that you can't find around you own town. As I said in my first post, TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. I've met and completed dealings with probably over 300 members of this board. Its a great place lets not ruin it! Thanks Randy
67 Chev swb stepside 4x4 283 4 speed SOLD
72 blazer 4x4 4 speed Cheyenne
72 GMC swb 4x4 fleet 4 speed, original paint
1958 Cameo (one of 1405 built, it was my dads)
2020 chevy Apex 4x4 crew cab
1969 Z28 with the 302
1980 chevy swb 4x4
1964 chevell Malibu SS
1976 K20, sold new originally out of my dads chevy dealership

Members that I've met, over 200 probably closer to 300 in the 12 years I've been on this site, everyone I met "It was a pleasure"
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Old 07-18-2003, 02:41 PM   #27
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A basic tenet of integrity is that you stand by what you say. If you commit to sell to/buy from a board member and

- you find a better deal,
- decide you don't want it,
- spend all your $$ on something else and can't afford it,
- found someone who'll give you more $$
- don't have time to get it packaged for shipment
- etc.

you're still obligated to complete the first transaction. That's what integrity is - following up on your word. If you're not willing to follow through, don't make the commitment.
72 Cheyenne Super Custom Camper
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Old 07-18-2003, 02:55 PM   #28
What if?
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i agree with randy.
i havent sold anything on the board but have dealt with randy a couple of times and i can say he is a man of his word. he tells ya he is gonna get it to ya,well its a comming
but i implore ya if you have a low post count then send the money to a high post count person and if you are buying from a low post count person then either send half now and the rest when the part arrives.
2002 red extended cab Silverado
2002 Wheatland yellow Suburban
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Old 07-18-2003, 02:57 PM   #29
"Trucks with Class"
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Just, "Do what you say you are going to do!"

I got an order for CST bucket seats from a board member YESTERDAY---I sent them TODAY!
Phone: 360-956-7170
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Old 07-18-2003, 04:38 PM   #30
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I cant state the fact enuff.. that to do business with ANYONE with out a significant amount of posts is assinine..especially if you are shipping all the way across country and no one can vouch for time I changed my mind because of this reason ...and the guy still flames me...and I believe the deal is cemented when the buyer recieves the money....this is how it is in real life(except when a contract is drawn)
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications

click the clicky to join the site....

67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
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Old 07-18-2003, 06:47 PM   #31
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17,310 that's the number of broken deals there'd be if everyone on this board had your ETHICS
71c-10 350/2004r/4:11 lowered3/4 longbed/dead by hurricane



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Old 07-18-2003, 06:52 PM   #32
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It all comes down to is having a conscience, buying or selling, I've only bought two things off the internet and both went well, the parts turned out to be better than I expected, maybe lucky I guess
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Old 07-18-2003, 07:53 PM   #33
jerry moss
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most of my deals here have been good, both buying and selling. i have been screwed around twice-- i sent one board member payment for a part and got nothing but excuses for nearly 8 months. this particular member had something like 17000 posts too. i finally did get the part though.
i sent another board member some parts about 6 months ago and i'm still getting excuses as to why he can't send my 40 bucks.
most people on here are great and very trustworthy but there's always a bad apple in the bunch. i always try to send parts quickly when i have someone's money in my hand and most everyone i've dealt with on here seems to do business the same way. in closing, i will say this, if i get screwed once that person will never recieve money or parts from me again !!!!!!!!!!!
jerry moss
72 cheyenne super K20- tilt,tach,vacuum,speedwarning,buckets,shoulder belts,am/fm,tow hooks,bumper guards,toolbox,aux. fuel tank,posi front and rear,plus other goodies!!! SOLD
69 suburban K20-tilt,tach,vacuum,speedwarning,buckets,shoulder belts,am/fm,4 inch all spring lift,4 speed, 14 bolt full floater, dana 44 HD,warn winch,posi front and rear,tow hooks,plus other goodies.
73/80 chevy/gmc K20 SB400,turbo 400,205,tilt,a-c,gas hog.
77 K/5 cheyenne blazer-daily driver/beater. SON HAS IT NOW
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Old 07-18-2003, 08:37 PM   #34
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Smile just an observation.......

First let me say,,,Ive never bought any parts or sold any parts on this board. Ive seen posts where either they didn't receive the parts after payment was made,,,or they sent the parts and never got any money,Always the same reply,,…"ive emailed him,& ive pm'd him numerous times and he wont reply to me! What ive" never" seen on any post is ,"He won't return my calls" ,Don't you guys require a phone # when doing inter-state deals???????When the time comes for me to buy parts from the board, and its gonna happen, im gonna require a phone # from whoever I buy from !!If they don't wanna give me a number we WONT be doing business,CASE CLOSED! I've only got 100 or so posts here, but I can tell you there are guys like,, ,LONGHORNMAIL, TEEITUP ,RANDY70C-10, KRUE,,,, that I would have no problem buying things from!I don't know any of them personally,and I don't even know theyre names, Its just the way they present them selves on this board…..I hope I didn't pis* anyone off ,cause that wasn't my intent at all, and maybe you guys DO require a phone #.I've just never heard anyone say anything about phone calls… last thing,,, if you read this and your name didn't appear on my list, don't reply asking why I didn't pick you…these were just a few names that came to mind while writing this post,,,,,,,,,,jeff
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Old 07-18-2003, 08:53 PM   #35
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jef5150 just to releive a little tension on this topic, can you post a big pic of your avatar LOL nice avatar
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Old 07-18-2003, 10:11 PM   #36
Sisyphus was my mentor!
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I'm just a really small fish on this board & I'm happy to say that i've only had good experiences here in terms of buying stuff (i've never sold anything). I think this board is awesome in that we have, for the MOST part, a great group of people, & that yes, you get a couple of bad eggs in every bunch, _BUT_, you can't let them wreck it for you. You cant let the goofs make you hard & bitter. Yes, be wary in terms of sales & the like, but talk to everybody with a smile, and be friendly. This is a great board & I'd love to see it stay open & friendly. Thanx to all who have helped me & to those who are going to help me in the future. I hope I can return the favor.

"why can't we be friends?"
-TWO 1967 GMC 910's. One with L6/3-on-the tree and the other with 355 w/435hp & a 700r4.
-a 2013 Honda Civic as my "sensible" car
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Old 07-18-2003, 11:17 PM   #37
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Thumbs up tension reliever

if you want the website ill give it to ya,,its full of models,,,,its a truck website
Attached Images

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Old 07-18-2003, 11:50 PM   #38
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Old 07-19-2003, 01:19 AM   #39
Designated A-hole!
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Excellent company to be in! Thanks for the compliment!
"If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is!"
Being stupid ain't illegal.

We're Still Debt Free Except for the House!!!

70 GMC SWB Stepside project "Green Booger" soon to be 6.0l/4l80e
93 S-10 "Poppaw's Truck"
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Old 07-19-2003, 02:02 AM   #40
71 fun
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Thumbs up new but true

Those of us who are new to this site are excited about the opportunity to learn and share a common interest. You will find us to be no more or less honest than the person with ten thousand posts.Honor is not learned nor taught here. We have a common responsibility to be always strait with each other. We are a uncommon group who choose to be judged not by the payments we make on our vehicles but by the work and respect we give to these classic rides. If we show the same consideration to each other we will not be disappointed.
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Old 07-19-2003, 03:11 AM   #41
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Lightbulb Hopeful

I am new to this board and have not bought or sold anything as of yet. In fact I'm new to the whole board thing period. I just recently purchased a truck and then found this board. I have been into classic iron my entire life and can enjoy talking with those who share the common interest as well. That is what I have found here. It's great to have others to talk to, ask questions, and just shoot the shiz with. The parts thing is great and im looking forward to finding stuff I need from other members. I am sure that there are only a few idiots out there that will try to screw ya over. It's hard, but I think you still have to have faith that most people are good and decent. It's hard I know in the world we live in today. You should be cautious of course but don't give up entirely. In just my short time on this board I have read so many things from one member to another. I think it's great and if there is a good way to weed out the deadbeats even better. I look forward to doing business with you soon.

P.S. This is what I'm talking about.....

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Old 07-19-2003, 06:27 PM   #42
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what?? you guys actually drive all the way to the post office etc to get shipping quotes?

will all give you shipping quotes, you just enter the dimensions, the weight, zip codes to and from, residence or business etc, and they give you very accurate shipping prices.

much easier than driving all the way down there just to get an estimate.
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Old 07-19-2003, 09:54 PM   #43
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I've bought and sold on here and so far never a problem. I know the guys that do this for a livin' has no time to spare. But I don't pack anything till the money is in hand. Then it goes out in a day or two. If I get burned once from someone they don't get the second chance. I've looked at stuff and started to try to buy, then delete before I post cos of money or changed my mind. Like I said before the guys that sell all the time, i'll buy in minute!! Mine .02
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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Old 07-19-2003, 09:58 PM   #44
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Old 07-19-2003, 10:21 PM   #45
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Iwill have to say that the few times i have bought stuff and some of it very large stuff that required shipping i have had great luck. Maybe i am nieve a bit and i trust someones word. I know that sooner or later i will get burned. Odds are we all will. One thing that i find hard to believe is the people whom try to buy something sight unseen. Digital cameras are under 100 bucks and are a great way to be sure that you are getting what you ask or post for. Not only do i want a picture for verification of the quality but also is it really something that i need. How many times have i been to the auto parts store looking for something that was called something else by some one else. Digital pictures are the greatest. Also because i am somewhat trusting i do prefer to talk personallly to the person if i am serious i hope the seller is also serious about dealing with me. Remember if you are willing to burn the guy 2000 miles away over a 10 dollar part or shipping costs odds are you do not have to many friends aroung were you are. Remember honesty is the best way to police this activitiy. One day you may need a part from someone that knows someone that you burned and then guess what.
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Old 07-19-2003, 11:10 PM   #46
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Hmmm...345 posts. I got a long way to go to become trustworthy
Brian Smith - "Born To Lose"
1969 Chevrolet K10 LWB Fleetside - Proud Owner For 22 Yrs - 1 of 208 Built & Sold In Canada!- 283 V8/350TH/NP208, 2" All Spring Lift, 32" Good Year MT/R's.
1972 GMC K2500 Custom LWB Fleetside - Proud Owner For 3 Yrs - 1 of 571 Built & Sold In Canada! - 350 V8/SM465/NP205, 4” Rough Country Lift, 33” Interco TSL Thornbirds
2007.5 GMC Sierra SLE 2500HD 4x4 - Proud Owner For 17 Yrs- 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel/Allison 1000, 2" Lift, 33" Mickey Thompson MTZ's.
2008 Yamaha Raptor 700r - Proud Owner For 15 Yrs - ITP Mud Lites.
2015 John Deere 1025R - Proud Owner For 8 Yrs - 24HP Diesel/H120/54D/260B/SB1154.
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Old 07-20-2003, 02:49 AM   #47
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LMAO, Brian........looks like I am even less "trustworthy" than you !!!!....... The number of posts might have something to do with " trustworthyness" .... but sure is not an absolute.....I have bought a few things from board members..... Had no problem furnishing my credit card number and received the items in less than a week....Not 'bragging' but my credit card limit on several cards is over $10,000..........and I carry no more than a $500.00 balance on any card. ........ Jim
'71 GMC;fleetside;PB/PS/AC/CC/402 Eng./Custom Paint/110,000act miles/3 fuel tanks(52gal).
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Old 07-20-2003, 08:31 AM   #48
Just like to part out trucks!!
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Wow 1379 views in a day and a half!!!
Thanks Bob!! Its always a pleasure seeing you!!! I hope you got home with the motor OK.
Jef5150, THANKS for the compliment!
Sgtjed, Don need anymore parts, he he.
Hey guys I never said anything about low post count! I'm just talking about about how some members do their dealings. I just think some guys don't think its a big deal to back out of a sale or worry about shipping something but I bet 95% of the board members agree with me on these subjects. And I just sold a front clip to member with 4 posts, no biggy to me. I personally don't care how many posts a member has, I like meeting and dealing with 67-72 CHEVY/GMC truck guys! THANKS Randy
67 Chev swb stepside 4x4 283 4 speed SOLD
72 blazer 4x4 4 speed Cheyenne
72 GMC swb 4x4 fleet 4 speed, original paint
1958 Cameo (one of 1405 built, it was my dads)
2020 chevy Apex 4x4 crew cab
1969 Z28 with the 302
1980 chevy swb 4x4
1964 chevell Malibu SS
1976 K20, sold new originally out of my dads chevy dealership

Members that I've met, over 200 probably closer to 300 in the 12 years I've been on this site, everyone I met "It was a pleasure"
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:07 PM   #49
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Trust and Faith...

I can't add to anything that anyone has said. I've only bought one item from another board member (68Suburban) and he did just what he said he would. So did I. I sent him a Postal Money Order and he sent me the Dealer Manual for my truck. This is how it is supposed to work. He trusted me. I trusted him. He had faith that I would send him the money. I had faith that he would send me the book. In total, the who process involves honesty and integrity, i.e., respect. If you don't have respect for your fellow man, he will not have respect for you. If you have problems dealing with others, maybe you should do a good self-examination.

My uncle, who was an excellent mechanic, once said that he would trust anybody ONE TIME. To further trust that person, depended on how that person treated him. Same applies in my life. I have two brothers, an ex-brother in law and an ex-friend of my wife, who will NEVER owe me any more money than they owe me now. I trusted them once, and they screwed up that trust. It's their fault, not mine.
Member Nr. 2770

'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.

'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo

The older I get, the better I was.
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:19 PM   #50
Your UncleBen
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I have bought a few things here and there on the board. But I have been lucky enough to be able to go to the guys houses. There are enough truck people that are local to me to pretty much cover every part that I would ever need! hehe Thanks to BigO and BigBlockBurris for getting/having everything that I have needed so far!

68 C10 shortbed -- Street/Strip
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