230ci Extremely Hard to No start
The 230ci in the truck is extremely hard to start if it does at all.Ive completely gone through the fuel system and it still wouldnt start so I took it the shop.They found it was a defective coil in the summit HEI and replaced it and it would start fine for a couple days,getting progressively harder to start.it has the ground start and wire ground on the coil is hooked up and all the connections look good.this is the third time its doing this (the hard start) and the first time was with the points distributor and regular oil filled coil. Has anyone had anything similar? Ive researched for hours and and tried everything and still nothing. It does have a rochester single barrel that likes to weep from the gaskets,could it just be some mystery problem with the carb? after its started and warmed up its runs fine and if you shut it off itll still be a hard start but it will start.