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Old 08-25-2015, 04:22 PM   #51
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Smile Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

None of this 'hopeful asking price' stuff bugs me too much one way of the other.
I also do not believe there is a fixed rule of more or less $$ value if a truck is stock vs. modified....although I prefer them stock, but thats just me.
The best you can do is trends...which are not specific trucks...and lets face it, we are all about specific
If you value your truck highly and decide to sell it, the market (not this truck forum) will decide what its worth.
The only thing you rarely hear about tho' what the seller finally lets it go for....particularly if the seller was starting high.
Generally speaking I can get a great, solid, driving, nice example of one these trucks for around $8-$10k all day that is my personal bench mark of deciding values...up or down....after that I guess it gets
All Good
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
1966 Chevy 1/2 ton (Florida- Red/white)
1972 Chevy 1/2 ton (California- Blue/white)
2005 Chevy Silverado HD2500/Duramax
2000 Dodge Ram 1500
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Old 08-25-2015, 04:39 PM   #52
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

don't get me wrong,i done my fair share of messing up a original,all I am saying theres guys out there restoring trucks,not building trucks,there restorers they are looking for lets say a dash not all cut up,and theres guys out there cutting up there dash for air/cd player ect,why not buy I truck already messed up and do what you want to do with them,go to a original truck show they don't even let the modifield trucks in because they ARE NOT ORIGINAL it hurts but its the truth,i sold a 68 black set of lic plates that wear on a oem 68 chevy van I even had the title of the van with plate number on it,i got over $1500 for the plates and title,the guy wanted the title only to have proof these wear 68 plates,restorers go this far for oem stuff,take a oem truck and a modifield truck in get it appraised then you will see the difference,high book value on lets say a 67 restored original parts and a non original part 67,big difference,there all good,i like them all,but prefer original,good luck with the seller im sure he has had private offers on it
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Old 08-25-2015, 06:58 PM   #53
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Pull a "Pawn Stars" and offer him $750. But you have to say it like this... "I'm all in at $750"; there... that ought to do it!
White K20
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Old 08-25-2015, 07:10 PM   #54
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

how many 8ft bed stepsides are still running ?,tailgate looks good,and looking at bed floor hasn't hauled much cargo,how many still around with a 6 in them,still has hub caps,8 track player if works is worth a few,under hood looks clean,theres a lot of + here,i like it if it has low miles,but would only drive it at dark,its very ugly lol,
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Old 08-25-2015, 07:19 PM   #55
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"i like it if it has low miles,but would only drive it at dark,its very ugly lol, "

Ugly? Could be worse. At least it's not a short bed.
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Old 08-25-2015, 07:43 PM   #56
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Won't get into the original/custom debate. My P.O. swapped the glovebox with one from another truck when he painted it and I don't even know what options it came with, so I'm doing what I want.

But I will offer this: If it's not "Rare", AND "desirable", rare doesn't make near the difference people think it does.

In 1965 when Corvettes finally came with disc brakes, there were 316 people who ordered theirs with the disc brake "delete" credit. Nobody cares or would pay more for one.
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Old 08-25-2015, 07:55 PM   #57
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by fartblossom View Post
Won't get into the original/custom debate. My P.O. swapped the glovebox with one from another truck when he painted it and I don't even know what options it came with, so I'm doing what I want.

But I will offer this: If it's not "Rare", AND "desirable", rare doesn't make near the difference people think it does.

In 1965 when Corvettes finally came with disc brakes, there were 316 people who ordered theirs with the disc brake "delete" credit. Nobody cares or would pay more for one.
Nailed it, IMO. Rare does not equal desirable. Theres plenty of rare vehicles out there but that does not mean they are valuable. 9 times out of 10 someone selling a car/truck that all they can talk about is how rare it is, is just something nobody wants. I see stuff like that all the time.
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Old 08-25-2015, 08:34 PM   #58
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by fartblossom View Post
Won't get into the original/custom debate. My P.O. swapped the glovebox with one from another truck when he painted it and I don't even know what options it came with, so I'm doing what I want.

But I will offer this: If it's not "Rare", AND "desirable", rare doesn't make near the difference people think it does.

In 1965 when Corvettes finally came with disc brakes, there were 316 people who ordered theirs with the disc brake "delete" credit. Nobody cares or would pay more for one.

Correct rare by itself is meaningless without desirable. Desirable means demand and rare limits supply. Hence higher price, a basic economic principle.
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Old 08-25-2015, 11:29 PM   #59
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

ok I understand what you guys are saying,BUT,rare means and only means rare,uncommon,hard to find,hardly seen,sometimes not even heard of,very few,,original does not mean anything but original,like missing glove box door off a 67,put one on from another 67 guess what its original again,,put one on from a 69 not original,can you tell I was schooled by older guys back when I was in my teens,theres very few original trucks left mostly from guys not caring,rule of thumb if you can ground up restore it in under a year,YOUR NOT USING ORIGINAL PARTS,
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Old 08-25-2015, 11:34 PM   #60
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

some of you guys need to get your trucks appraised and insured by a insurance co,that deals with with vintage autos,then you would see the diff in price,original value is higher because its rare and you cant find all the original parts easily,thats the diff,i am done,had fun,enjoy,
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Old 08-25-2015, 11:48 PM   #61
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Still does not change my opinion. But most of you guys obviously don't want to hear it.

PS: I have never heard of a truck show that wouldn't let in modified trucks. (This is that moment when I expect someone to search all through the internet and find at least one example of a stock only truck show so I can be proven wrong. I won wait up.)

My 1968 Chevy shortbed stepside build
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Old 08-25-2015, 11:58 PM   #62
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Original is more desirable. That said, I imagine a well done reproduction where basically only the body and frame are original (if that) can fetch as much $. An original with a replacement engine the same. How much depends on how well restored and desire.

From a restore standpoint, I'd expect an original to be much easier, especially if it's in decent shape to begin with. And that's despite having to refinish every detail. You just have to locate the parts, which are still available. That takes some time for sure. I started collecting about 7 months ago, and have acquired about 60 OEM pieces, excluding hardware. Mostly NOS.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

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Old 08-26-2015, 12:15 AM   #63
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by indymachinist View Post
Still does not change my opinion. But most of you guys obviously don't want to hear it.

PS: I have never heard of a truck show that wouldn't let in modified trucks. (This is that moment when I expect someone to search all through the internet and find at least one example of a stock only truck show so I can be proven wrong. I won wait up.)
i don't think anyone is arguing against your earlier post.
Project "C10 Fever" (68 factory black 396 swb)
Project “Faded Glory” (71 c10 med bronze original paint refresh)
Project "Little Sister" (70 c10 blue original paint refresh)
Project "Blue Bomb" (70 c30 blue original paint refresh) SOLD
Project "Vitamin C" (71 c10 orange original paint refresh) SOLD
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:22 AM   #64
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

i think the point here is that it's getting more common to see asking prices a bit "out there", whether it's justified or not. some people just don't realize what they have isn't that valuable. they'll figure it out. or get lucky.

it's getting harder to find them in well preserved original condition. especially 67-68 shortbeds...
Project "C10 Fever" (68 factory black 396 swb)
Project “Faded Glory” (71 c10 med bronze original paint refresh)
Project "Little Sister" (70 c10 blue original paint refresh)
Project "Blue Bomb" (70 c30 blue original paint refresh) SOLD
Project "Vitamin C" (71 c10 orange original paint refresh) SOLD
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:29 AM   #65
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

I recall these being on every block up to the early 90s. Now I see one every 4-5 days or so.

We're lucky they made so many. Locating parts is likely easier than those of ANY other classic.

It's nice to know you can dump a lot of cash into these and it pencils out. Speaking for myself it doesn't matter, because my oldest son likely gets it when I'm gone. If done right (which is the plan) I'd put an absurd price on it anyway. I've seen some sell for over 50K.

Besides, there are only a handful of classics I might rather have (e.g., RT with a BB, certain Mustangs and Trans Ams, maybe The Judge).

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

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Old 08-26-2015, 12:41 AM   #66
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

am I am back,lol,back to the topic,the truck being if all is true,original miles,long bed stepside with a 6 cyl yes its hard to find,good foundation to restore,hopefully some one works out a deal and restores it,hate to see it change to non original,how many guys on here restored original,how many changed a modifield to original??we need to keep a few around,when I was selling hard to find high dollar parts I always looked toward the chevy pickups,back in the day you never new what someone dropped in under the hood,i found a lot of $$$ engines that way,always on the lookout for a 283 fuel injected,good to have dreams,
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:05 AM   #67
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by sawman View Post
am I am back,lol,back to the topic,the truck being if all is true,original miles,long bed stepside with a 6 cyl yes its hard to find,good foundation to restore,hopefully some one works out a deal and restores it,hate to see it change to non original,how many guys on here restored original,how many changed a modifield to original??we need to keep a few around,when I was selling hard to find high dollar parts I always looked toward the chevy pickups,back in the day you never new what someone dropped in under the hood,i found a lot of $$$ engines that way,always on the lookout for a 283 fuel injected,good to have dreams,
My plan is "original". Only exceptions are OE replacements like a rubber bumper here and there, radiator, battery box, Window/door seals, wheels. HEI instead of points. Things you don't see that makes more sense to buy after market, IMO. That said, what exactly is original? Mine won't be to SPID, because the paint scheme will be different, sport mirrors instead of camper, sport bumper instead of the beast that came with.

Is it even possible to find one that's 100% original? You have to replace the battery and tires at some point.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit
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Old 08-26-2015, 01:20 AM   #68
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Agree with the others that rare doesnt equal desireable. My truck is pretty rare..but out of the 25 or so guys I work with, I am the only guy who likes the color. Now if I completed the swb conversion and painted in black, that would get some attention, even though a black swb isnt exactly hard to find anymore.

Value? Also impossible to say in stone whats brings more all the time, as it depends on the truck. Is my truck as a lwb with stock (slower than a Hyundai Sonata) 3504v and no ps or pb worth more than a swb fleet with an ls swAp or nice 468? Doubt it, even if mine was in better shape. Few people want a lwb lime green base c10, tons want a swb with power.

In the end these trucks like everything else will be too expensive for the average guy to play with like old Camaros, Mustangs cudas etc so enjoy it while you can and build what you want. Stock, modded, who cares, drive what you like.
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Old 08-26-2015, 10:38 AM   #69
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by mjgord51 View Post
In your last line this reminds me ( i am 63) when I bought a 55 Bel Air electric windows & frt seat all there and with that good old patina paint job and drove it home for $50 bucks, well I was 19 yrs old then. Wow how things have changed now that $50 car is north of $15,000
I hear ya. I sold a 67 SS Chevelle 4 speed car for $750.00 once as I really needed the money. Also sold a 64 Nova SS body (perfect) to a buddy for $450 cause I had owned it for a few years and wasn't doing anything with it and he really wanted to build it.
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Old 08-26-2015, 10:56 AM   #70
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by sawman View Post
am I am back,lol,back to the topic,the truck being if all is true,original miles,long bed stepside with a 6 cyl yes its hard to find,good foundation to restore,hopefully some one works out a deal and restores it,hate to see it change to non original,how many guys on here restored original,how many changed a modifield to original??we need to keep a few around,when I was selling hard to find high dollar parts I always looked toward the chevy pickups,back in the day you never new what someone dropped in under the hood,i found a lot of $$$ engines that way,always on the lookout for a 283 fuel injected,good to have dreams,
You are right when you say it's rare. Being a long bed stepside, 6cyl. truck. Want to have a rare one, buy it. Just hope you don't ever have to sell it. For every person who would buy a long bed step side truck there are probably over 100 that would buy a short bed fleet side truck. Mostly because the fleetside buyers know that their truck would be a much easier sale down the road not to mention have a much better looking truck.
When someone says "it's rare. Only 1500 of them made" That means that the factory could not sell 1501 of them or they would have. Rare for these older trucks might mean any of them "like this one" over the years were sent to the scarp pile when the motor blew, instead of being saved by swapping out the motor. J.M.O.
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Old 08-26-2015, 11:34 AM   #71
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by sventinker View Post
worst case scenario is this

This one sale ruined the VW bus hobby for a lot of people myself included. you get two guys who have been drinking and have more money than sense. Since this sale the scene has changed, now every rusted out 23 window micro bus is worth 40K. I don't think it will go quite that far with these old trucks but then again who would have ever thought a 200K vw bus
OMG! 200K

actualy I'm not surprised. its a shell game. You buy or sell to a friend at an outrageous price and then even up behind the seens after the bidding has stoped. Often the auction house is in on the scam. Its purpose is to liven up the activity at the auction during a dull period and or to increase tv ratings. auction companies use these prices to convince customers to go with them based on thses prices. Ralley the troops, our ratings are droping compared to golf on the sports channel or those infomercials for 60's obscure rock groups. 900 songs you never heard of on 30 cd's for only 189 bucks in easy monthly installments. Do you ever notice that these auctions occasionaly show the same groups of people. they are like camp followers who travel with the auction houses from show to show.

Corvette auction industry has been doing it for at least 15 to 20 years.

A seller selling a chrysler had a falling out with a premire auction house and aired ALL thier dirty laundry. He got sued and silenced by the courts. None of its real. They would not even allow him to walk out the door with a complet copy of the contract. at least not the portion that included several pages of small print that pretty much explaine what they can do.

That guy who bought the vw? His smile at being reamed for 200K tells a different story than we see.

Yea alcohol plays a big part or erectile disfunction/ blood pressure meds.

Then there are some who are clearly mental. Shame on the industry for taking advantage of them. I watched live one guy bought a 68 catalina 4 door sedan 400/2bb 3 on the column for like 37K! beutiful blue on blue but 37K? surrounded by auction house staff.

Your a marked man the minute you apply to bid. They do a credit search to see what your worth and when you start bidding they pull up your stats and you are surounded by staff who pressure you to bid higher and higher. also there are company shills in the croud to bid you up. How ever if the shill accidentally out bids you and wins..... That does not mean the seller has sold his car and the auction hous/shill is not obligated to complete the transaction. So. its never over untill the check clears.

and those seller/ buyer "primium" fees.

I seen it live in Las Vegas and PHX. it all looks fancey on the front side. I wandered accidentaly around to the back side. 2 by 4's and cloth stapled to it. the cameras pan across what seems to be a crouded auction. but just a few rows back the seats are all but empty except for a few peak moments.

we do it to our selves when we let money in.I done pontiacs, oldmobiles camaro, chevelles and corvettes, even jeeps. once you let them in they taint everything, ruin it. Frankly I think trucks are the last market niche they have not yet ruined.

200K for a vw van? The barbarians are at the gate. would someone please ask them to wipe ther feet befor they come in.

Last edited by mike16; 08-26-2015 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 08-26-2015, 11:43 AM   #72
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by sawman View Post
am I am back,lol,back to the topic,the truck being if all is true,original miles,long bed stepside with a 6 cyl yes its hard to find,good foundation to restore,hopefully some one works out a deal and restores it,hate to see it change to non original,how many guys on here restored original,how many changed a modifield to original??we need to keep a few around,when I was selling hard to find high dollar parts I always looked toward the chevy pickups,back in the day you never new what someone dropped in under the hood,i found a lot of $$$ engines that way,always on the lookout for a 283 fuel injected,good to have dreams,
agreed. I like origonal too. I have seen so many cherry origonal trucks chewed up and spit out, with the same lowered, big rims and an LS what ever. to each his own but its shocking that people do it to such cherry origonal trucks.

I suppose its all good but my gut tells me different.
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Old 08-26-2015, 12:01 PM   #73
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

Originally Posted by cooperhw View Post
I hear ya. I sold a 67 SS Chevelle 4 speed car for $750.00 once as I really needed the money. Also sold a 64 Nova SS body (perfect) to a buddy for $450 cause I had owned it for a few years and wasn't doing anything with it and he really wanted to build it.
I still have my old 64 ChevyII I6 3OTT bought it for $100 in 1980 and it still has all the same parts it came with when it was bought in (64) *" except for"* there is those words again *" except for "* the lower chrome rocker strips & one radio knob, I have to hide it behind my house cause over the years I have been bugged constantly "would you sell that old junker Sir", Some have offered me good $$$ but most have gave me thee old "I'll take that old junker off your hands for a few bucks" Too tell you the truth I have turned down $ 7,000 that person didn't care for the I6 at all anyway. Is this car Original, I think pretty close, Do I think it is rare well I don't see them all the time, To me rare cars & trucks are like mine below LOL
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Old 08-26-2015, 05:46 PM   #74
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

I think there is a $10,000 gold bar hidden in the glove box

2004 Chevy Silverado Z71 Ext Cab 1500
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1967 Chevelle SS
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Old 08-27-2015, 06:33 PM   #75
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Re: Amazing what people want for these trucks

I think the reason the prices on some these trucks is getting crazy is because some of the members here have a dozen of em in their garages.

They are trying to corner the market.

Joe C-10 Driver

67 stepside
68 longbed
67 gmc k10
69 short wide
69 flat bed stake truck
70 crew cab
71 gmc camper special
71 long bed step side
72 chevy k20
72 c30 ryder special

68 C10 SSB 383
12 Charger 6.4L
12 Accord 3.5L (Wife's ride)
05 Ram 1500 5.7L

My build thread -
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