Re: project 39
a couple of more pics of what i have been working on. the small pieces are the fender bottoms that i made. the tubing is for the hammer form for the roll pan that i decided to make because i didnt like like the first one. i bent the tubing on the new bender we have downtown that i bought square tube dies for. it is awesome to be able to bend 1" square and i plan on buying more square sizes as i go. i thought i had a finish pic of the pan but i dont. will get one and post it. if you are wondering about the wrinkles from shrinking the bottom section of fenders i left them that way because no one will see them anyway and they seem to be stronger than if i hammered them flat. i figure if i do both sides the same it will look intentional. the shrinking was done on a tool that i built after watching a youtube video. the tool is a lot faster way of shrinking 18 gauge than the shrinker that i had bought.