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special-K 07-20-2013 07:53 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Well,not to rub anyone the wrong way,but most folks,including here,didn't "get it" till it became the trend it has fairly recently. You can't expect everyone to catch the trend at the same time. You also can't expect everyone to follow the trend. It's the same with everything,not just patina. The patina look is a work in progress/unfinished look,so in a way this guy did get it. One day,most all patina machine will be painted.

The Suburbans were made longer in '67 which allowed a door for access to be added. That's all there is to it. It was a major improvement for use as a family vehicle over years before. The thinking behind it was likely the same as with Vans that only have curbside doors. I guess GM figured adding a 4th door was a further improvement by the time they redesigned the body in '73. The third door would have been a great idea for the Panels that I wish they had done.

beebak 07-20-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Count me as one who didn't get it. In fact, I posted pictures of my '72 C20 in the patina section, before I figured out it didn't really belong there. It's just a crap paint job over no prep work, with rust and holes coming thru. It is a daily driver, and I have been concentrating on driveability components, so far, like pitman arms, ball joints,u-joints,etc. Got it tracking straight now, drives nice, and motor and tranny seem really tight. Interior is fine, all gauges and lights now work, so I can start with the bodywork next. Nothing fancy, just want to fix the rust holes properly(sure I'm gonna find some Bondo), and figure out how I want to finish it. With what the previous owner has done, I don't think I can go patina.

Justin36 07-20-2013 09:29 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Ha! Well first off I love your burb one of the coolest on the board! Classic to me is that is a cool ride........ What color you going to paint it ? Lol
Posted via Mobile Device

jmking9 07-20-2013 10:24 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I was putting gas in mine yesterday and a guy came over and looked my truck over and said "Did you do all this yourself" I said yes, expecting to hear a nice compliment. Then he says "Tell me something, why would you go to all this work, and put THOSE THINGS on there" Pointing at the wheels. I just had to laugh. Then I said, "would you mind stepping back, those two guys are trying to get a picture of it" Two different guys had pulled into the gas station parking lot and were trying to take pictures out of their windows. So yeah, theres a lot of people who dont get it on a several aspects of these trucks. But there are alot more that do.
And by the way, I love your burb. So count me in as one that does get it:metal:

magwakeenercew2jh 07-20-2013 11:09 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I get it. I like it. For me, I like shiny.

For anyone who likes patina, rust, dented, rotted, wrapped, or black velvet with clowns painted on it, or shiny,
I appreciate their position on "style", and their work (or lack of same....I hope everyone's ride is safe and not spewing smoke
or anti-freeze, tho).

The big deal for me is that I worry for folks who care about what other people think more than what they like themselves.
Maybe I don't *worry*. But I guess I just don't understand the mind set.

Don't get me wrong. If someone appreciates my truck, whatever it looks like. It makes me feel even better when I hear from
them than the times I want to grab a 2 x 4 and come across the forehead of some s-for-brains that starts slapping at my truck with his jaws.

Not that I care that Negative Nellie doesn't like something about my truck. I'd like to whack 'em more simply because they are a-h's.

My $.02.

67ChevyRedneck 07-20-2013 11:14 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 6181583)
The Suburbans were made longer in '67 which allowed a door for access to be added. That's all there is to it. It was a major improvement for use as a family vehicle over years before. The thinking behind it was likely the same as with Vans that only have curbside doors. I guess GM figured adding a 4th door was a further improvement by the time they redesigned the body in '73. The third door would have been a great idea for the Panels that I wish they had done.

It's also not the first time GM has had "3 door" trucks. GM added a 3rd door to their extended cab trucks in 1996. The 3rd door carried over into the NBS GMT800s until 2000 when the 4th door was optional, then in 2001 the 4th door became standard.

S10s also had a 3 door extended cab, but I don't think they ever made it to 4 doors, just the crew cabs.

Just a little trivia :D

I happed to own a rare 3 door 2000 Silverado :haha:

Coley 07-20-2013 12:09 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Don't take the comments too much to heart.....some people aren't 'there' yet.
One thing I try to keep in mind is what the demographic I am dealing with in situations like that is. ie: old? young? their appearance or apparent style and communication method? can often tell by someones dressing style where they are in the social food chain and as a result what their opinion might be of...well anything...out of the predictable ordinary.
I have some friends who are very 'buttoned down' and anal...and they don't get any of the rod/rat-rod thing in the least....let alone any vehicle more than 20 minutes old. However, they are good people in their own respects.
As for the guy who made the comments to you...he is probably still afraid of red pajamas....:lol:
Personally, anytime I can see anyone in one of these older trucks (even Fords or Dodges), its 'hats off to 'em'. The style behind their ride is never resolveable because everyone has their own take on what they like...completely fair. So rodded, original, jacked, painted, and let ride!!;)
All Good

Sicklajoie 07-20-2013 12:42 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by Mister-B (Post 6180792)
I was one of them that didn't get it when I bought my patina truck.

And now you've got an issue with people that have the same attitude that you used to have. Okaaaaaaay.


Originally Posted by Mister-B (Post 6180792)
It's interesting though. I sort of sense some angry jealousy here and there directed at guys with natural patina trucks. Since folks can't just go buy one easily, or have repop parts shipped to them with that look, they get funny about it. Sure, everyone has an opinion and different taste, so that's part of it, but I think there's more to it.

Angry jealousy? I think it has more to do with the fact that you have a chip on your shoulder.

big_al_71 07-20-2013 01:21 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
My favorite one " I had one just like it" I think to my self "yeah right":lol:

BB72CHEVKT 07-20-2013 02:00 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by big_al_71 (Post 6181902)
My favorite one " I had one just like it" I think to my self "yeah right":lol:

well there is only one Sylvester...

Vintage Windmills 07-20-2013 03:42 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 6181750)
It's also not the first time GM has had "3 door" trucks. GM added a 3rd door to their extended cab trucks in 1996. The 3rd door carried over into the NBS GMT800s until 2000 when the 4th door was optional, then in 2001 the 4th door became standard.

S10s also had a 3 door extended cab, but I don't think they ever made it to 4 doors, just the crew cabs.

Just a little trivia :D

I happed to own a rare 3 door 2000 Silverado :haha:

Thats what I was thinking as well. I think special K is right, its was an improvement, and then the 4th door was another improvement.

tsali39 07-20-2013 07:11 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
The question I get is "what year Dodge is that" followed by a odd look when I tell them it is a GMC. For an ugly old truck mine gets too much attention.

elf w/capital T 07-20-2013 07:47 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by mgkgmc (Post 6180784)
This guy reminds me of one of my old bosses it didn't matter how hard or how nice something turned out he never say something nice to people he always had to say something like what that guy said. He was never satified.

Saaammmeeee thing i was thinking!!!:metal::metal:

CG 07-20-2013 08:01 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Someone else's opinion about anything I do or have in life that doesn't track with my way of thinking doesn't effect me at all.

Some people are just that way, they have to add a little comment about whatever. My dad is this way. Maybe that's why I don't sweat this kind of thing because I grew up with one of those people.

There are a lot of trucks on this board that don't jibe with the way I would build it, but I still appreciate all the work that goes in to them. As far as having some hidden jealousy about certain looks that are popular right now is down right amusing ... it made me LOL =) . I still like that particular board member, he brings a lot to the table around here.

Forgot to add, I think your burb looks pretty darn good.

tlcrz1972 07-20-2013 08:45 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I'll call the guy as just uninformed.

As for the three doors I call it as safety thoughts that the kiddos didn't need to be getting out on the traffic side.
As far as cost, I have dissasembled one to see what it will take to make the forth door. Cost couldn't be part of it. there are so many pieces just right on the edge of being fabricated for a fourth door. A very little bit more in tooling cost and they would have been there.

special-K 07-21-2013 10:50 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by tlcrz1972 (Post 6182427)
As for the three doors I call it as safety thoughts that the kiddos didn't need to be getting out on the traffic side.

That must be right,cuz beginning in '73 right up to the present they decided that didn't really matter and it's fine if kids jump out into traffic :crazy: In fact,all the other car companies followed suit and now they all build SUVs with rear driver side doors and GM started putting 4 doors in Blazers and Jimmys,too. Problem is,still too many of them varmints on the loose! :lol:

Sorry,just saw this as funny. No offense intended. But,I think it's been pretty well figured out.

67anthony 07-21-2013 11:00 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
Nice bub everybody is not going to get I have one that is full blow and one that is full stock love both all everybody says when are going to fix up that one I say it is .Some people don't get patina

Mister-B 07-21-2013 11:34 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by Sicklajoie (Post 6181864)
And now you've got an issue with people that have the same attitude that you used to have. Okaaaaaaay.

Angry jealousy? I think it has more to do with the fact that you have a chip on your shoulder.

No, I never had that same attitude. I would never have gone up to someone and given a half compliment like that, even though I would have been thinking it inside.

And as for your other comment, you're proving my point with how you just acted lol. You fret over dust and fingerprints, and have a totally different idea of how a truck should be used than I do. That's fine, except for you feel the need to follow my posts and negatively comment on things as trivial as how you feel I'm wrong for driving around with a dog in the bed of my truck (securely chained). You're uptight, and have a hard time seeing beauty in different looks, and then go on a hypocritical offensive towards me by saying I have a chip on my shoulder? Whatever man.
Posted via Mobile Device

Sicklajoie 07-22-2013 05:16 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by Mister-B (Post 6184155)
No, I never had that same attitude. I would never have gone up to someone and given a half compliment like that, even though I would have been thinking it inside.

And as for your other comment, you're proving my point with how you just acted lol. You fret over dust and fingerprints, and have a totally different idea of how a truck should be used than I do. That's fine, except for you feel the need to follow my posts and negatively comment on things as trivial as how you feel I'm wrong for driving around with a dog in the bed of my truck (securely chained). You're uptight, and have a hard time seeing beauty in different looks, and then go on a hypocritical offensive towards me by saying I have a chip on my shoulder? Whatever man.
Posted via Mobile Device

Dude. Seriously. Get over yourself.
I have an 03 GMC that's my daily driver that I beat the living crap out of. It's my truck that I use as a truck. When I got my license in 1986 I started with a 79 Jeep Cherokee and since then I've had 3 GM 3/4 ton pickups. I've never owned a passenger car.
My 69er is my cruiser that I take out 5 nites a week to cruise around in. I drive it about 4000 miles a year (which is a lot for short New England cruising season). It's hardly a trailer queen and I don't keep it in a bubble. I drive it.
And where did I ever say that I don't like patina? I just don't like it when it's fake. I love all 67-72's, but especially C/20s.

special-K 07-22-2013 07:53 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
It seems there will always be those who,no matter what way they go with their ride,have an attitude that comes along with it. I figure those people are insecure and just don't know it. These are trucks. They are yours and mine. I like what I like based on my point of view. I'm secure with that even if no one gets it. That is the attitude a trend setter has to have. It's also the attitude of someone who could give a damn. Sometimes others love it and sometimes you're on your own. Sometimes they get it by the time you've moved on in another direction. You do it for you,then nothing else matters. I pretty much like them all,but if anything,I'll like something less once it becomes a trend. I am opinionated because I look hard into things. I can have my beliefs w/o requiring everyone else to agree. It's the no attitude attitude.

WIDESIDE72 07-24-2013 12:17 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I have both style trucks. About finished with a 72 swb stepside with a $10k paint job, and about to start on a 71 swb stepside with original patina. I am anxious to take both of them to a show and park them side by side and see which one gets the most attention. I already prefer the patina truck, as i have already scratched the 72 lightly while putting it together!

As for the comment, my suggestion is to try and educate them to the trend, if you have time, by explaining "it IS finished. I prefer not to worry about someone leaning on it and like the way it looks in original paint. I dont have to worry about it like someone who drops a boatload of money on paint does."
Posted via Mobile Device

WIDESIDE72 07-24-2013 12:37 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I have to figure out what to do about the hood. I m considering trying to paint it with black primer then the freen and roughing it up a little. I dont want to paint the whole truck!!!!

Here is the money pit, jump to the end for finished paint photos
Posted via Mobile Device

stsalvage 07-24-2013 05:02 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it

This is why the 1967 -72 only have 3 doors In 1947 Internal Harvester Had that travail all in 1963 0r 65 there was a accident back east it grab major head lines in 1947 and up the travail all had 4 doors

One spring morning a family was taking there kids to school.there was a 6 year old boy!

His parents explained in the News Artical.

He wanted to act like his dad and get out on the big boy side of the truck like his dad or mom did no many times.It was a foggy morning and back in the 60's at in the east they had dirt shoulders.Well on this morning He open his door to on coming traffic was able to get out have his feet on the ground.When a Lumber truck took Him and the door and pealed him like a Onion the truck was yellow But the pic displayed a Red line doing down the Travail All.

Sales Dropped for any thing with 4 doors from 1964--or 65

GM saw that and stopped production of the Prototype 1967 4 door Carryall's yes there where a few built the rail road and the fire Department but not many

Even to day kids or some people are not responsible enough to getting out on the drivers side.that's is why GM went to the 3 door instead of the 4 door in 1967

special-K 07-24-2013 08:15 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
How does this no fourth door theory for the sake of passenger safety figure into the billions of 4dr passenger vehicles made? Did GM only care for six years and only on one particular vehicle? I guess "I" don't get it. I don't think there's all that much to it. They just added a rear door,just like a Van,on the curb side. If I was to theorize I'd say they did a study and found folks wanted the other door

zellway 07-24-2013 10:18 AM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I get that all the time with my Suburban. I do have work to do:waah:

WIDESIDE72 07-24-2013 01:15 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
My wife was driving my daughter and me to the library Saturday and almost took out a lady at the community mailbox. She got out of the driver side without looking. Luckily my wife was paying attention and swerved (narrow street) I told her to honk the horn right after but she said she didn't want to scare her (!) I said maybe she needs scaring! The lady didn't have a clue about the near miss.
Posted via Mobile Device

truckster 07-24-2013 01:37 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it
I'm going to have to chime in on the side of the doubters about the safety aspect of 3 doors. Two reasons: First, as other have mentioned, GM built millions of sedans and station wagons during that time period with four doors. Second, none of the automakers were all that concerned about safety unless the government was mandating something. Back in those days, safety just wasn't a big selling point with the average consumer.

BB72CHEVKT 07-24-2013 04:01 PM

Re: Some people just don't get it

Originally Posted by zellway (Post 6187855)
I get that all the time with my Suburban. I do have work to do:waah:

Oh, I have work to do still with some rust and the interior but he was just looking at the outside. All the mechanicals are taken care of at this point.

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