Had my daughter help, though she needed a ladder to reach the top of the hood to hold it up a bit.
1. Open hood.
2. Check lube of all bits of latch - I say do this anyways unless you remember lubing the hinges recently.
3. Lossen *two* back bolts on each hinge. One you really have to stick your head around to see, its fairly hidden. To make it even more fun, on the passenger side, the blower fan blocks the hidden bolt. I was able to get just enough bite with my 3/8 ratchet with short extension.
4. raise up on hood, don't need to give it a lot of force. At this point I did see the hinge plate move/pivot on the front bolt (that you don't loosen).
5. Tighten things up and good idea to check that front too.
I wouldn't say it 100% perfect - more like 85~90% perfect on the drivers side and nearly dead on on the passenger side. But I'll take it since it isn't as noticeable as it was. It was always worse off on the driver side.
I am not sure if it is kosher to do one side at a time.... but I don't feel like loosening both sides to try and get a wee bit more on the drivers side.
Edit: I should have taken a before photo but here she is now. I am actually very happy with how the hood is laying down now. The hood is slightly still up but night and day from before.
God, I do love these forums (and my Truck).