Originally Posted by slikside
The grill has the blue bow tie, but 3 out of 4 of my caps have the yellow ties, the other is blue (my brother-in-laws tire shop didn't put it back on correctly after a rotation and it came off. All he could locate was a blue one....I still give him a hard time about that one.  . But your posts above makes me think that all them should be blue, maybe?
I am the 3rd owner, and just assumed that the yellow ties on my caps were original equipment. Just interested in what you think.
Restoring my wheels and caps is something I'm interested in doing sometime this year.
Cool stuff you have!
Thanks for the complement, if wanting to be OE correct your 72 should have the blue bowties as I have pictured in post #18, the yellow bowtie caps I have pictured in post #12 are all 73 and up pieces. Pending what type of yellow bowtie caps that you have three of, you may just be able to re-paint the bowties and still look OE correct. Mel