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Old 11-21-2004, 09:48 PM   #1
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Best way to ask ?

I have had my eye on a local blazer that I have seen sitting for over 5 years. I was curious as to how to go about asking if it was for sale without being intrusive, yet not seeming over anxious. What has worked for you guys ? I imagine knocking on the door is the most obvious tactic, but any ideas would be helpful.

71 Custom 20 Deluxe..soon to be SWB 1/2 ton
1 incredible wife
2 great kids
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Old 11-21-2004, 09:51 PM   #2
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Put a for sale sign on it and then go knock on the door. maybe the owner will think he really did put it up for sale
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Old 11-21-2004, 10:44 PM   #3
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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2 of the 3 trucks I bought were not even for sale. They were just dead trucks in driveways.
The first one was very willing to sell. His wife was complaining about it.
Second one was dilusional and thought he and his son were going to restore it one day. Luckily, i cought him as his wife was divorcing him, and right before the holidays. Got a good deal on it.
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Old 11-21-2004, 10:51 PM   #4
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Just leave a note on the door "from the city code inspector" advising them of city code ordinance section 69-72, junk in driveway is illegal. That evening, before they have a chance to call "downtown", go knock on the door and ask them if its for sale
69 K5 CST stock- 350, 4speed

77 K5 - 383, auto, 6" lift, D60 front, 14b rear, 39" tsl's,
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Old 11-21-2004, 10:57 PM   #5
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All three of the trucks I have bought were not for sale, that is untill I stopped and asked. All they can do is say no. This has happened to me on a 69 camper special, the man would not even get up and answer the door, he just yelled from his perch wherever in his house. Even then do not give up, I will go back every so often, one day he will answer the door and I will get the truck. BY the way, I found a 66 Chevelle SS during a scouting run for the above mentioned truck. I have not even got to knock on the door here yet, but I will with persistance. The car is half in and half out of a caport rusting away.
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Old 11-21-2004, 11:09 PM   #6
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It's always worked for me...A buddy of mine (not really a car guy) just found me a 55 Belaire by knocking on a door for me. Totally clean 2 door from Cali for only $ 4000.00. The eighty year old guy that owned it, planned on restoring it one day. It pays to knock on doors. Sometimes people get a little pi$$y or they want to tell you the life story of the truck...
Your Bought And Sold....I Got Your Soul!
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Old 11-21-2004, 11:52 PM   #7
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I have alway's knocked on the door and asked if they were interested in selling.. I have always drove a beater or parked around the corner though cause you don't want them to think you got money,could jack up the price..

MEMBER #6377

72 k-5 daily driver 6'' lift 35'' 350-350-205 slowly getting rust free.

Project "7DEUCE"

check out my build

Tim Powell..R.I.P EastSideLowlife..... R.I.P..
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Old 11-21-2004, 11:57 PM   #8
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just knock on the door and ask, most people are pretty cool about it. the worst they can do is say no. you will get lots of "im gonna restore it some day" answers. or another option, call the police and have it tagged for abandoned vehicle, then go ask about it again once they only have a few days to move it. or if they dont move it, buy it at the police auction.
current projects:
67 c20 w/350 4spd
74 camaro 355/th400
83 malibu wagon
80 malibu wagon
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Old 11-22-2004, 12:07 AM   #9
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Thanks.......creative answers !
71 Custom 20 Deluxe..soon to be SWB 1/2 ton
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Old 11-22-2004, 12:10 AM   #10
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I always go up and knock and just play it by ear.

Luckily my Buick is the perfect car for recon... it blends in anywhere, cops ignore it, nice & roomy (plenty of room for parts), and it looks junky cuz of the dented fender and f-ed up bumper.

Actually I am in the process of contacting the owner of such a truck. Last time he wasn't home, but a handy man was fixing his electrical box, and I found out from him that the owner of the truck doesnt even live there. The owner is out of town on business and is supposed to call me soon.
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Old 11-22-2004, 09:46 AM   #11
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Get a lot of single $ bills and put them in your wallet or check book.
Place this where it can be seen easily so that they understand that you have cash in hand.
Drive an older car so that it doesn't appear that you have an interest in a particular model.
Express an interest no matter what the first price they throw at you.
If there is another vehicle sitting around ask about it to start with then work around to what you want.
John Hutchison

68 1/2 t swb
68 Mustang
69 Jaguar
71 1/2 t swb
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Old 11-22-2004, 10:46 AM   #12
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Have a card with Your contact info on it.That way You don't need to search for pen and paper.even if he says no,he might get to thinking about it later and call you.
70'c/10, 71 suburban4x4 402bb, 72suburban 4/6 drop, 72k/5 4x4 blazer 4" lift 35 tires
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Old 11-22-2004, 11:46 AM   #13
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Leave a business card or note, with your inquiry and a phone number...once or twice. If that doesn't work, show up in a nice old Chevy and just ask! There's and old 56 Chevy truck STILL sitting in the yard of one of my neighbors, collecting JUNK in the bed...last time I asked him was 1998! Sometimes they just won't budge! Good LUCK!
5/4 drop LWB wood bed - 15x8 front 235/60 - 15x10 rear 295/50
2003 FORD Escape
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Old 11-22-2004, 12:32 PM   #14
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I didn't pay a penny for my '67 GMC. The owner inherited it from his dad , the original owner. The truck had been sitting in a barn for several years, and would need some attention. I convinced him that I had the means to make it nice, and didn't intend to ever sell it, but wanted another cool truck to drive around. The truck meant a lot to his dad, and him. Promises were made to bring the truck over so he could see progress, and go for a drive. Of course, it's going to take more money to make the truck nice than it would probably sell for, but that's beyond the point. I'm having a blast workng on it, and learning a lot about motors. (I am not a mechanic, nor do I play one on TV.)

I got my Galaxie under similar circumstances.

'67 M37B1
'67 Galaxie Convertible
'67 GMC Truck
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Old 11-22-2004, 02:14 PM   #15
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I put the word out to my buddies that I was looking for a 67-72 and immediately 1 told me about a 71-72 sittin in the field across from his house. Went on over there with cash in hand. After dickerin a bit, she was mine for $400. If I had known about all the cat poop in the cab I would have tried for $350!
I've bought a few Datsun Z's that were not obviously for sale. I'd just eyeball em for a few months to make sure they were not movin. Then. when I saw somebody out front I'd pull over and ask em about their car. I've never left a note, cause it pi$$e$ me off when people leave notes on my junk.
I've been turned down more times than not but sometimes not only is the deal good but it's FREE. I've gotten 2 cars with the line "How much do you want to pay me to haul that thing out of here?".
The truck... you hear that? No really, you did hear that?!!!
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Old 11-22-2004, 10:24 PM   #16
What was I thinking??
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Saturday I left a note on a guys gate..He has a 4x4 sub and wrecked 70's 3/4 4x4 long bed and a long bed GMC trailer.. A 60's something wagon..
I hope he calls but I drive by there every night on the way home from work..Someday I'll catch him there.....
72 K5 that needs lots of parts..
71 GMC 3/4 4x4 That doesn't need much which is a good thing I don't think I could aford another money pit...
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Old 11-22-2004, 11:39 PM   #17
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I drive up in mine and just ask if they want to sell all or parts. I tell them there's stuff I'm looking for. Most people are like us, They started a project and something swayed their interest. Now that "Next Project" is an eye sore and they will immediately give you a take the whole thing for ????? or they think what they have is Gold and it's going to sit there and become part of the Desert or a rust bucket anyway.,. Like others have said, It never hurts to ask again in a year or so...
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