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Old 11-28-2004, 09:22 PM   #1
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What was someone thinking on this one?Engine swap

I was in a junkyard on friday and saw a 84 S-10 pickup with a F*RD 302 motor welded it. They cut the frame under the oil pan with a torch to get the double sump pan to clear the frame. Man i have seen some weird swaps before but nothing like that one. I saw a 79 Dodge truck 318/727 trans in an 85 buick regal .
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Old 11-28-2004, 09:24 PM   #2
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I remember an article in a sport compact magazine that one of my friends had, about an older Nissan Z car (280Z iirc) that had a transplanted 350 in, it was called "The Original 350Z."
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Old 11-28-2004, 09:29 PM   #3
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I can see the small block in a z car practical but not the ford in a chevy.
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Old 11-28-2004, 09:35 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by bisquik65
I can see the small block in a z car practical but not the ford in a chevy.

Maybe the guy was afraid of going he took out the 4 cly and put in a 302
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Old 11-28-2004, 10:21 PM   #5
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I saw an old mercedes 4 door with a 289 ford & auto trans in it..The dryer vent for a hood scoop was the icing on the cake.
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Old 11-28-2004, 10:25 PM   #6
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Talking about weird, we have a guy driving a geo metro with a sunroof as a hood scoop, plus two more in the roof and it's been rattle canned in gold.
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Old 11-28-2004, 10:27 PM   #7
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Actually, the small block ford is a much better candidate for a tight space engine swap.

All you have to do is look at the distributor on the Small Block Chevy and having to cut the firewall... then think how fun it can be to set timing on the thing....

Then look at the Distibutor on the Small Block the front...No firewall to cut and there are a ton of aftermarket parts out there for the SBFs now from the Mustang crowd to install...

Not that bad of an idea at all....

Of course if you are really brand loyal the idea sucks haha


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Old 11-28-2004, 10:44 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by 1969 GMC
I remember an article in a sport compact magazine that one of my friends had, about an older Nissan Z car (280Z iirc) that had a transplanted 350 in, it was called "The Original 350Z."
Small Blocks were installed in the "Z" cars as a Dealer Option,, A friend of mine ( Jesse Gray) owned the shop in California that had the contract to do them..
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:18 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by RON WOODGEARD
Small Blocks were installed in the "Z" cars as a Dealer Option,, A friend of mine ( Jesse Gray) owned the shop in California that had the contract to do them..
Was called the Scarab Z. Had it's own badging and everything. The SBC swap is so popular that a company called Jags That Run still sells swap kits for em. There are more than a few sbf's Z's out there too. Was heavy into the Z's but then I got into 67-72's and had to make a choice. It was an easy one.
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:22 AM   #10
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now the cool swap is the skyline DOHC straight 6 stuffed into a Z. id do that over a SBF anyday
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:28 AM   #11
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I am looking at getting a s-10 with a 454 in motors sould not even be ran in a ford!!let a lone a chevy
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Staceydude
Actually, the small block ford is a much better candidate
Them thar's fightin words.
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Old 11-29-2004, 08:27 AM   #13
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hey now....

Originally Posted by toddtheodd
Them thar's fightin words.
Just takin off the Chevy blinders for a second....

Did not say it was my idea....

Just sayin the SBF is not a bad motor for a tight swap....

I am outta here before you cats get a rope....


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Old 11-29-2004, 11:53 AM   #14
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S-10 with a SBC? I haven't seen a million of those. Sooo, what's wrong with the American built motor this guy used Hmmmmmm, "all aboard the SBC bandwagon"
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:00 PM   #15
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Friend of mine and his dad 20 yrs ago built a Chevy Luv truck with a 427 big block, Turbo 400...made it to a few magazines.
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Old 11-29-2004, 12:13 PM   #16
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No wonder it was in the junk yard.

Stacydude - have you ever tried to put a Ford Motor in something?? (you'll understand why people use Chevys)..the oil pan hits cause of the crossmember and the oil pump is in the front on a Ford...the pans don't fit (sort of like the 62-67 chevyNovas..where you have to have the pan with the cutout for the steering linkage) with the Ford you have to get a rear sump pan with the special pump/pickup to fit can't find exahust manifolds that fit right (302 vs 351 are different)...the distrubutor is not really that big of a deal, the oil filter is in an akward position.

I'm not trying to "start a fight of words or opinons" its just in my experience it is hard to get the right parts to make a Ford fit anthing but a Ford... - it's only been in the last couple of years that fabricators have sarted making mounts and oilfilter adaptors and oil pans so that streetrodders can use these motors in thier cars. - or from what i've seen anyway

don't get me will go in there but it is a lot more work than you might think...they do make a kit with motor mounts and headers i think for the 302 in a ranger...

I had a 350 Chevy in a Ranger...and it actually fit better than a smallblock in an S-10...ther frame is a little wider for running Exahust and stuff...and yeh you had to beat the firewall a little bit..but not that much...

I guess if you had a good running 302 and the rear sump pan and some exahust manifold that might might be worth it just to save money...but it just seems like alot of aggrivation to me
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Old 11-29-2004, 01:11 PM   #17
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I did not say it was the best option....

But to answer your question yes. I have helped install a SBF 302 into a Jeep CJ. There are a ton of jeep guys out there swapping in the 302 nowadays....

Why was a ford motor picked over the common SBC in the jeep? One of the things you mentioned was availability of the SBF motor... not only the motor but the whole harness etc was available... Also the small block ford they put in many of the 5.0 mustangs were forged piston/roller cam motors and they tend to run a very very long time on the stock bottom end.

And....with all the old 5.0 mustangs out there and a ton of aftermarket parts.... simplicity of wiring in the Fuel Injection CPU from a Mustang into just about any vehicle. It is not that difficult.

To cover the oil pan sump issue you can order an oil pan from Jegs to take care of it and use a pickup from a bronco or 83-93 5.0 Mustang.

To cover the exhaust there are also a ton of headers out there now for the SBF swaps....

Nowadays there are several companies providing small block ford swap parts.

So the SBC is not the only option....

Is the SBC a better idea... could be.... people have been doing them alot longer and as you said there used to not be alot of parts available. It is also alot cheaper to buy SBC parts as they are all over ebay and the internet and at swap meets.

I don't plan on doing any of these swaps and really don't care which is more difficult anymore. I just wanted to say that becuase it aint a chevy does not mean it sucks....



Originally Posted by arkracing
No wonder it was in the junk yard.

Stacydude - have you ever tried to put a Ford Motor in something?? (you'll understand why people use Chevys)..the oil pan hits cause of the crossmember and the oil pump is in the front on a Ford...the pans don't fit (sort of like the 62-67 chevyNovas..where you have to have the pan with the cutout for the steering linkage) with the Ford you have to get a rear sump pan with the special pump/pickup to fit can't find exahust manifolds that fit right (302 vs 351 are different)...the distrubutor is not really that big of a deal, the oil filter is in an akward position.

I'm not trying to "start a fight of words or opinons" its just in my experience it is hard to get the right parts to make a Ford fit anthing but a Ford... - it's only been in the last couple of years that fabricators have sarted making mounts and oilfilter adaptors and oil pans so that streetrodders can use these motors in thier cars. - or from what i've seen anyway

don't get me will go in there but it is a lot more work than you might think...they do make a kit with motor mounts and headers i think for the 302 in a ranger...

I had a 350 Chevy in a Ranger...and it actually fit better than a smallblock in an S-10...ther frame is a little wider for running Exahust and stuff...and yeh you had to beat the firewall a little bit..but not that much...

I guess if you had a good running 302 and the rear sump pan and some exahust manifold that might might be worth it just to save money...but it just seems like alot of aggrivation to me
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Old 11-29-2004, 04:03 PM   #18
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Never Said it sucks

Never said it sucks...
I don't have a problem with Ford...I have an '05 Ranger now...and have had several other fords...I just like Chevy for the Older stuff...cause of availability of parts/motors

the 302 is actually a nice running motor if you get a good one or build it right. and your right about the bottom ends/roller cams etc. if you get a old police car...most of them have the roller cam set up with the forged bottom ends

I don't think there is a motor/exahust set up out there that will even come close to the sound that a 5.0 makes...I wish I could just buy Mustang mufflers and put them behind a chevy...pretty sure it won't sound nearly as good...but oh-well
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Last edited by arkracing; 11-29-2004 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 11-29-2004, 05:07 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Staceydude
Just takin off the Chevy blinders for a second....

Did not say it was my idea....

Just sayin the SBF is not a bad motor for a tight swap....

I am outta here before you cats get a rope....



I have put Ford Motors in a few things where areas were tight, What about Carrol Shelby?? Why didn't he use a Small Block Chevy in the Bristol, ( AC Cobra to you unaware guys )

I have Put Chevies in Lots of rigs, Small Blocks in Pontiac GTO's, , small Block Chebbie mid engined in a 64 Corvair, 454 in a shortened 64 Impala Frame and set a 65 Corvair body on it. A Tunnel Rammed 427 In a 65 Mustang Fastback, A 671 Blown 377 in a 60 Ford Falcon, A small Block into a Austin Healey ( don't remember the year )

And to you guys who really don't believe in Ford Performance Motors, I'd love to see your Chevies come up against a S.O.C. or the even the much smaller BOSS 302... ( had one of these in a 67 Cougar ) OH, and of course Who has ever heard of the Lightning ??!!!! I'm a Chevy fan, But gotta give credit where credit's due...

You won't get no rope from me Stacey.
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Old 11-29-2004, 06:48 PM   #20
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If the only concern was the distributor, use a Buick 455. this guy had a reason. Backyard mechanics find a weekend of work to be cheaper than a new engine. He might have had that Ford laying around.
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Old 11-29-2004, 07:57 PM   #21
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I think the weirdest swap I've seen was a built SBC, blower, nitrous, dual high rise, etc. in a Porsche 928.
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Old 11-29-2004, 11:34 PM   #22
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my friend had a 79 chevy truck with a 350 and for some reason he swapped out the 350 for a 250 straight 6 :P

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