Originally posted by Huck
Have heard of some shops installing new glass for as little as $110. Most shops charge around $300. because they know insurance will pay. If you go into a shop, plead insanity, explain you don't have glass insurance and look PITIFUL, they may cut you a break and give you a deal.
The prices for glass are dropping due to some of the major insurance companies buying into the glass industry. The glass industry was charging all they could for glass. Heck when this was first going on we were paying up to $600 our cost for some windshields for cars. After this happened the price for the windshields for the same cars dropped to $150 our cost. This really irked some wholesalers because they got stuck with stock that was worth 600 one day and only worth 150 the next day.
"!Ama Sua, Ama Kjella, Ama Lllulla!"