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Old 10-26-2008, 07:02 PM   #1
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K/D Detent Switch Mystery.

My kick down stopped working so I had a look at the cable running down to the Trany and one of the wires was breaking off just where they went into the Black plastic connector. So I thought I'll get round this by cutting the plug off and putting a couple of spade connectors on the ends and connecting it that way....But!! there is only one spade on the Detent switch, must have broke off inside the Black plug. So when I went to buy a new Detent switch I have been told that there should'nt be two wires running down to that switch in the first place and that the new switches come with only one spade...WTF. Those two wires have to be original they are still bound in the factory tape, and they are hard and brittle from the heat down there so I know they can't have been added.

Has anyone else got a two prong D/S with two wires running to it??


An American living in a British body.

1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

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Old 10-26-2008, 08:28 PM   #2
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Re: K/D Detent Switch Mystery.

Using the search option I found out that the second wire should be there but for a thing called TCS..(don't know what that stands for) the two prongs would be in the shape of a T which would be correct looking inside the plastc connector I cut off. But still dosen't explain why my kickdown wont work......

An American living in a British body.

1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson

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Old 10-26-2008, 08:52 PM   #3
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Re: K/D Detent Switch Mystery.

I'm not positive but I think the orange one is the one thats supposed to be connected and the black is probably ground.
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Last edited by c10crazy; 10-26-2008 at 08:58 PM.
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Old 10-26-2008, 09:19 PM   #4
Longhorn Man
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Re: K/D Detent Switch Mystery.

can't remember off the top of my head which is which, but one is the kick down, the other is the TCS. It's an early smog thing, the dist would not recieve any vac for advance unless the engine was up to operating temp, and the tranny was in 3rd.
As for your actual problem, the switch only controls kicking down into first, the second gear kick down is internal, I believe hyd pressure. If it is not kicking inot first, check the switch on the throttle pedal.
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:11 PM   #5
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Re: K/D Detent Switch Mystery.

Thanks c10crazy I've had that orange one hooked up as well, so it's got to be the switch on the pedal as Andy has suggested...Thanks mate.

I'll go my usual route...when in doubt replace everything. So look out K/D fault there's no place left to hide.

An American living in a British body.

1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson

No more pain.
03.12.60 -- 12.28.10
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