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Old 05-04-2009, 04:03 PM   #1
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94 s10 4 cyl 2.2 why gas in oil

Well, I'll start with the fuel injectors, 2 were leaking I replaced them, now when I cranked the truck, gas was flowing out the exhaust, ok well fine ,, haha,, Now? it cranks for 2 seconds and the motor locks, It sounded like its coming from the starter and fly wheel, so I checked them, starter is good , fly wheel looked good but not sure I'd have to pull the tranny out to really get a good look,, I thought I would check the oil well theres gas in the oil,, I drained it and put new oil but still cranks about 2 seconds then it locks ones again,, I can manually turn the motor but not with the key,,,? anyone have an ideal why this is??? Thanks for the help.
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Old 05-04-2009, 07:12 PM   #2
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Re: 94 s10 4 cyl 2.2 why gas in oil

If you starter is good, I would then check to see if it is dropping power after, the 2 seconds of cranking. Might have a bad starter solenoid, bad igniton switch, neutral safety switch, number of things.
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:39 PM   #3
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Re: 94 s10 4 cyl 2.2 why gas in oil

Been there, done that. Your new injectors are not fully seated. This allows fuel to fill the cylinders. You have inadvertently left pieces of the old injector o'rings in the holes. It has to come back apart. Pull all your plugs and put a plastic bag, or old towels, over the plug holes. Then put some 2x4's or something on top of that. When you crank the engine over LOTS of fuel will come shooting out. NO SMOKING!! I too have worked on Satan's S10!
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Old 05-06-2009, 03:53 PM   #4
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Re: 94 s10 4 cyl 2.2 why gas in oil

Make sure you disable your ignition or ground the plug wires far away from the spark plug holes.
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