Originally Posted by JimKshortstep4x4
My suggestion would be to swap in a posi carrier and the 3:73 gears.
That may be true but if you can't do the work your self, and it's not real easy, you might be money ahead to roll a complete one under there. Guess it depends on the deal you get on the other rear end. By the time you get the carrier, gears (not a fan of using used gears) and have it installed....you could probably pick up an entire truck for that amount (a beater of course). It's fun to go look at turds and throw a jack under them to spin the tires and see if she's a posi. It's an old trick but fairly accurate. If you jack up the rear end and chalk the tire, spin the pinion yoke exactly 1 rotation....if the tire goes around about 3 3/4's time....it's a 3.73!!!