Originally Posted by ll____b0t____ll
I didnt really want to go public with this information but in light of taking some time to think about what I did in this thread I would like to publicly say I am sorry to long horn man.
Not a good excuse but I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and well I make a mess of things often for myself and with time looking back I feel I did you an unjustice and so Im sorry for the direspect I showed you here.
I hope you can maybe see past this and realize I am my own worst enemy but the person I want to be wishes I hadnt been such a jerk here.
So all I can do is say again im sorry longhornman for showing you disrepect , and sorry for hijacking this thread to do so but I needed to say it.

It takes a big man to apologize, my wife has basically the same thing so I sympathize with you. She takes effexior it helps alot.