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Old 08-20-2009, 11:32 PM   #1
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Timing a 350

I made marks on my dizzy before removing it to install my intake. Well while cleaning it I lost my marks. SO I need to time it. How do I do this. anyone have a good "how to" on how to do this?
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Old 08-20-2009, 11:57 PM   #2
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Re: Timing a 350

Do you know the position of your rotor when #1 is firing? Do you have any idea where #1 is on the cap?

If you know these things, you can turn the engine until the timing mark goes to zero at your #1 firing position. Next, eye-ball the distributor cap, and put it on so the rotor is right in line with the contact at the #1 firing position on the cap. screw down the cap, and give it about 3/4" or less of a turn counter clockwise. This should get you pretty close. If the engine cranks too hard, turn the distributor clockwise by maybe 1/4" at a time until it cranks over easily. The rest you'll have to do with a timing light.

If you don't know which way the rotor is supposed to be pointing, you'll have to find TDC of #1 by pulling the spark plug, and turning the engine until you feel the compression blowing out of the spark plug hole. When you feel it, keep turning the engine over until the mark on the balancer lines up with zero on the timing tab. Then look at your rotor position, and follow the step above this one...

Last edited by Jim_PA; 08-21-2009 at 12:01 AM.
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:42 AM   #3
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Re: Timing a 350

If you cap is marked then find TDC on #1 cyl on compression stroke then drop your distributor in so the rotor lines up with the #1 cyl. If your caps not marked then find tdc again and drop the distributor in and start your plug wires there
- Josh

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Old 08-21-2009, 08:28 AM   #4
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Re: Timing a 350

As mentioned, you have to be on top dead center of the #1 spark plug on the compression stroke.

The way I do it:

If you don't have a helper or a remote push button starter, remove all the spark plugs to make it easier to turn the engine. With a 1/2 inch ratchet and socket in the crank pulley bolt, turn the engine with finger in the #1 spark plug hole. When I feel air pressure, I either watch the piston or insert a thin wooden dowel until I make sure the piston is at the very top (just before it comes back down).

That is TDC and the balancer should be aligned with the mark and rotor pointing to the #1 spark plug wire.
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