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Old 09-01-2010, 09:26 PM   #1
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In the market for an air compressor

Well, I've finally saved upwards of $1k to spend on an air compressor. My goals are to be able to use it for painting and everything in between. I'm a novice DIY type of guy, and really wanna learn to do it all myself. I won't be opening up a shop any time soon so, I don't need to go industrial. What would be some good options of air compressors to look at for that price range? I know it's all about what type of tools you'll be running with them, but Id rather buy the compressor and shop for tools to fit it. Also, I can't honestly say if I'm running on 220v or 230v in the garage. Any help would be appreciated!!!
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:53 PM   #2
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

You want a big tank 80 gallon if you have room. You want an oiled compressor. You also want the highest scfm rating you can find. Check the requirements for the tools you want and go from there. Paint sprayers are very demanding. Though they dont require a lot of pressure they do require a lot of volume. DA sanders are also very demanding. Stick with a name brand and basically get the biggest unit you can afford. You can get a really nice compressor for a grand. Maybe even a tool or two as well. something like that is probably what your after. Shop around theres lots of barely used shop equipment selling cheap because of peoples money troubles.
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Old 09-01-2010, 10:01 PM   #3
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Originally Posted by cableguy0 View Post
You want a big tank 80 gallon if you have room. You want an oiled compressor. You also want the highest scfm rating you can find. Check the requirements for the tools you want and go from there. Paint sprayers are very demanding. Though they dont require a lot of pressure they do require a lot of volume. DA sanders are also very demanding. Stick with a name brand and basically get the biggest unit you can afford. You can get a really nice compressor for a grand. Maybe even a tool or two as well. something like that is probably what your after. Shop around theres lots of barely used shop equipment selling cheap because of peoples money troubles.
Surprisingly I've been looking at IR air compressors. I've been looking at them at tractor supply and sears and now northern since you suggested it. The ones ive looked at are mostly 60g for around $800 from all three and around $1000 for an 80g. What do you recommend? Here's the 80g

Last edited by AJLChase; 09-01-2010 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 09-02-2010, 09:24 AM   #4
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

The 80g ingersol you linked is a really nice compressor and should run anything you wil ever hook to it. That compressor is designed to run in shop conditions with the 100% duty cycle. It will likely last forever in a home use situation.
Owner of North Point Car Care in Dundalk Md. We specialize in custom exhaust on both modern and classic vehicles. We are a full service auto shop from classics to modern vehicles. Feel free to contact me with questions. I will give a 10% discount to any board member.
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Old 09-02-2010, 07:57 PM   #5
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Have you considered building one? I have right at $600 in mine. I'm using a speedaire pump (21 cfm at 175 psi way more than I can use) on a 60 gallon tank with a true 5 hp baldor motor, running off of a magnetic starter.
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Old 09-02-2010, 11:45 PM   #6
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Truthfully I wouldn't even know where to begin on such a thing as building one. Don't know if I have the capability of doing such a task on my own. How difficult was it for you to build?
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Old 09-03-2010, 08:03 AM   #7
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

really easy there are only a few main pieces you need, compressor, tank, motor, pressure switch/unloader and possibly a magnetic starter. Then just bolt it all together and plumb it to the tank.
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Old 09-03-2010, 08:19 AM   #8
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

I'd also invest in a good water filter setup.

Running 220V to your garage is easy though, I just did it. Only requires a new circuit breaker (dual pole for 220v) and run a new 12-2 line to the outlet in the garage.
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Old 09-05-2010, 08:22 PM   #9
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

keep in mind that the larger Harbor Freight compressors are Made in the USA ...
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Old 09-06-2010, 08:59 AM   #10
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Either if the IRs that have been linked would be great in a home shop, but be aware that there is more to it than just the compressor itself.
You really need to look into getting 220v service into the garage too. You are not going to find an adequate unit in the 110v range. Some attention should also go toward the air lines, drops and fiter/seperator.

If you are going to use it hard (running a lot) it is best to keep the filter/seperator a fair distance from the compressor itself. This extra distance in the lines allows the air to cool more before it hits the filter/seperator. The cooler air holds less water, so it drops out of suspension and gets caught. If you try to filter it while it is too hot, the water falls out later in your lines and comes out the hose/tools.
Also, you need a flexible connection between your compressor and the wall-mounted lines. The vibration will crack something otherwise.
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Old 09-10-2010, 11:41 PM   #11
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Looking like I should be placing my order for an air compressor by the end of next week. I'm liking the 60g and 80g IR's that TSC sell. Outside of total volume of the tank is there any benefit of spending the $200 extra to go to the 80? I've never painted anything in my life and truthfully don't know how often I'll be using the air compressor. I just don't know if the 80g is overkill or more of a, you're gonna be sorry that you didn't spend the extra money to get it? Thanks!
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Old 09-11-2010, 04:35 AM   #12
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

The 80 gal is a two stage while the 60 is a single. You may never need the extra pressure but it is nice if you do.
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Old 09-11-2010, 03:26 PM   #13
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Thanks for all of your input guys!

I went to TSC to look at them in person, and was hoping to ask a salesperon some questions about the 60g 5hp and 80g 5hp IR's but nobody was around. From what I can tell they're a lot of the same just one holds 20 gallons more. Output seems the same as well. My thinking is if I spend $200 less and get the 60g that gives me more money to buy tools,sockets and lines. If I spend the extra $200 for the 80g that would put off buying those mentioned for a few weeks (wife would kill me).

Just me never even using an air compressor I don't even know what route to go. I've been told you can paint a whole car with an 30g air compressor and I've been told you need an 80gallon one to do it right. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated. I do also have 220v at the garage.
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Old 09-11-2010, 04:19 PM   #14
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

The gallons really doesn't mean much. The cfm is what you need to be concerned with. CFM is the amount of air produced which is the amount of air that will be available while you are using an air tool (such as a paint gun or blaster) The only difference the tank size is going to matter is how often the compressor has to run. The 60 gallon you are looking at is rated for 135 psi which is more than enough for 99% of anything you will use (most tools are rated for 90 psi). For normal home use or a small shop the 60 gallon will do anything you need plus some.

Last edited by blazerboy72; 09-11-2010 at 04:19 PM.
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Old 09-11-2010, 11:06 PM   #15
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

i cheaped out and got the 60 gal CH fromTSC. it runs great its quite loud in a 20 x 40 shop, but it took a week until I wish I had got the 80 Gal IR. Make sure you get help unloading it; very top heavy and can become quite a handful real quick(let me tell you) also imortant to anchor it to the floor. they have a tendancy to wander while running.
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Old 09-12-2010, 07:35 PM   #16
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Think I've settled on the 60g IR. I finally talked to a guy at my local TSC and it sounded like the right fit. I hopped on Craigslist when I got home to see if there were any deals out there. Seems to be a guy in town who is selling the same compressor that he bought 10 months ago. He's asking $500 for his. Should I even look into a used one? Or buy the new one? What things should I keep in mind if looking at a used compressor? I've got the money for a new one and the warranty, just don't know if buying a used one would be beneficial or not.
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Old 09-12-2010, 08:11 PM   #17
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

I'd have him start with an empty tank and have it go to full PSI then shut off, then i'd run a tool and make it function on and off... Offer him $400 and use the savings for some good soft rubber airlines and a dryer setup.
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Old 09-12-2010, 08:17 PM   #18
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Originally Posted by msgross View Post
I'd have him start with an empty tank and have it go to full PSI then shut off, then i'd run a tool and make it function on and off... Offer him $400 and use the savings for some good soft rubber airlines and a dryer setup.
Good to know! Does anyone know if off the top of their head if the warranties that IR have with their compressors and what TSC offers on top of them are transferrable if sold?
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:42 PM   #19
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Last question on this, as I'm gonna pass on the craigslist offer as the guy didn't seem to trustworthy. Tractor Supply has a 3 year guarantee option for the compressor at $140. Covers everything parts wise. IR states that with their start up kit they extend their manufacture warranty from 1 year to two years just buy buying the start up kit for $80.


2 years = $80
3 years = $140

My question is, with TSC guarantee does that provide the start up kit with it? If it doesn't, I would still have to spend the $80 to buy the oil and filters regardless plus the $140 for the guarantee. Leaving me now at $220 for 3 years? Is my math correct, or am I missing something?
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