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Old 10-24-2010, 09:14 AM   #1
RuralRoute C-30
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Six year old wants tools for birthday

Suggestions? Anyone gone or going through this too? A first "real tool" tool kit?

Seriously, whenever I go out to the shop to work on anything wrench or shop/tool related he wants to help. Love his enthusiasm but there are obvious limitations what he can be allowed to "work on".

Yet I don't want to discourage his wanting to learn to work with tools either. He has mastered the wonderment of the magnet on a stick and has practiced ratcheting with recent projects. Lord knows too he understands a hammer and has mastered the mechanics creeper!

He also has learned the basics to ask before touching, knows if I give him a tool to "work with" that it has a place in the tool box to go when done, not where he drops it, and he knows to ask before touching anything tool related.
I lean towards teaching him safety a lot for his well-being and my sanity.

So I was thinking a trip to Harbor Freight maybe? Some basic wrenches and a socket set? Misc "safe" tools? (like such a thing exists!)

Yet the real problem; I need some suggestions on projects he can actually "work" on at a very beginner level with wrenches. Any ideas what a young beginner with no experience can disassemble and reassemble?

My first thought is to take a couple of boards, as we have done with nails to teach the hammer function, drill some holes and insert various bolts, washers and nuts he can practice with. Screws the same way. Yet like the nails, this lesson will probably last a week before he learns the basics and wants to do more. He really is smart though and loves to work like dad so this adds to the challenge factor for his 'older' dad to keep up with his brain. (yes, menapause misdiagnosed brought this young one to this "older" dad., his next youngest sibling is a sister 19 and his brother is 25! Wife and I had a very brief "empty nest".)

So just looking for suggestions with his birthday coming soon. Was even pondering an old small engine that he could do no harm to by taking it apart just to practice on. But for now, that remains a pondering.

Either way, it is nice to have somehow managed to have a 6 year old so interested in everything his dad does in the shop. Only now, he wants to participate. This young man even likes to stack firewood over watching television!

Yes, he is my wonderment of a blessing always.

Thanks for any advice!

Mark & son

Here he wanted to learn how to mow with this in early summer and still takes it out on occasion!...too short to reach the pedals on the John Deere...for now. Yet he's never too short though with wanting to be "working" on something! Beats the video game mentality I hear so much about from other parents.
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Last edited by RuralRoute C-30; 10-24-2010 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 10-24-2010, 11:05 AM   #2
old Rusty C10
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

if you go to Lowes they have a tool box for youngins as well as wood shop projects that he can build. We had a block party yesterday and i ran a Bob the Builder workshop for the kids. Wew made simple yet fun for them projects like a lowes stock car, pirate ship, bank, and game box. They kids loved it. All it is is nailing together pieces of pre cut wood but hey its a start .. then you can move up to bird feeders. bird houses etc.

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Old 10-24-2010, 11:06 AM   #3
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Snap-On for life.

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Old 10-24-2010, 11:07 AM   #4
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Thats great,my youngest daughter was the same way. She spent her spare time working in the shop with me,I bought a cheap Sears box and a set of inexpensive tools for her. I engraved her name just like mine then I let her help tear down Motorcycles with my help. When she left home to go to college she took her tools. I wish her BF luck as she can change her own oil and basic maintence,she also loves OLD cars and trucks
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Old 10-24-2010, 11:22 AM   #5
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Looks like a fine boy/helper you got there Mark,

You have some good ideas there yourself, Start off with some basic hole drilling and bolting. But make it things that can be assembled and used for something or saved on a shelf like a trophy of completion.

I too was a eager learner at that age as well, While all my friends played with their toys I had to take mine apart to see how they worked. With my dad having been a mechanic (tools handy) NOTHING was safe when he wasn't around....

I like the small engine tear-down too, With that you could teach how all the different parts make the engine function. Dad wasn't too happy with me when I took that one on myself, But I learned what leather feels like !!!

Have fun teaching your little helper.....
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Old 10-24-2010, 12:19 PM   #6
Bus Ted Knuckle
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Walmart has a tool kit that comes in brightly colored tool bags. It's like $25 for the little set. My wife wanted one for Christmas so I got her a pink set.

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Old 10-24-2010, 12:27 PM   #7
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Awesome story!!! Buy a tool box that is closed in the middle that when you open it the two sides fold open to display all your tools and screwdrivers and bolts and nuts etc. are in seperate compartments. A box similiar to a fisherman's bait box. Then outfit it with the tools you think he might need. Some screwdrivers. A small hammer. Some wrenches. Some bolts in one. Some nuts in another. You get the drift!!! It'll be his and his only. A box he can take care of and organize himself.
And most important. Get him his own creeper.
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:36 PM   #8
RuralRoute C-30
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Thanks for the suggestions! Never thought Lowes would carry anything for kids but will check that out. Harbor Freight is always a tool sale so that's the start and the ideas helped. Like the idea of the toolbox...he's a bit too young still for a top and bottom box even though Dad could use another one. Snap-On dealer will have to wait out on this one for a few more years.

Again, thanks always,
Mark & son
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Old 10-25-2010, 06:49 AM   #9
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

I just went and found a small toolbox and put a bunch of duplicate tools (some wrenches and screwdrivers) in it. I went to Home Depot and bought him a small hammer and tape measure and put all of it in there. He keeps it under his bed.

Danny was eight when I bought the stuff. I need to upgrade his hammer and will do that for Christmas but he has gotten a suprising amount of use out of his tools over the last five years.

At six he can start using real tools, just get stuff that is useable at his size.
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Old 10-25-2010, 11:27 AM   #10
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Got my boy some stuff from HF. It serves it's purpose and is pretty disposable for when he upgrades later. It's funny though sometimes I'm too lazy to go out to the garage and he'll go get his box for a tape or screwdriver or flashlight for me.

Gotta love it when they start figuring out how to use their hands / tools. My boy was 3 and had his tools spread out on the garage floor, he was "working" on his bike. Well I didn't pay very close attention until he took off on the bike down the driveway and his training wheels flipped up in the air. He somehow actually got the 1/2 wrench on them and loosened the nuts, it was a real hoot.
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Old 10-25-2010, 03:53 PM   #11
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

Why do kids love those push mowers?

Harbor freight has 3/8s to 3/4 wrenches for 10 bucks, they actually look nice. I just picked up some stubby wrenches from Home Depot for 5 bucks on sale.

Your little one would probably love a go cart to take apart and paint on.
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Old 10-25-2010, 03:56 PM   #12
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Re: Six year old wants tools for birthday

i remember when my boy was little and wanted to help.then,when they get old enough to be a real help...they won't want too.
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