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Old 02-09-2010, 08:53 PM   #51
El Jay
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

A plain ol' "C" clamp on the track(s) works too.

I did notice in the video that the guy had the advantage of having windows to see what he was doing with the wire. Flying blind would only take a little longer.
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Old 08-17-2010, 02:14 PM   #52
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage..... I have one of these posted outside my shop I like to think it helps
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:10 PM   #53
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

i have "adt" security system and... "adb" a double barrel.! shotgun.
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Old 08-17-2010, 10:03 PM   #54
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Claymore's would work great for intruders too.
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:14 PM   #55
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Originally Posted by caseymp2001 View Post I have one of these posted outside my shop I like to think it helps
Man, that sign is awesome! I also like the one that says "taking a bite outta crime, 9mm at a time."
- JB - '93 C1500 SHORT/FLEET SILVERADO, 350/4L60E

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I don't know, but I've been told: You never slow down, you never grow old.
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Old 09-23-2010, 11:45 PM   #56
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

if you know where the perp will enter / exit they make pepper gas bombs that spay when the are set off with custom switches. you activate / de activate with a hidden / remote key switch. they are sposed to air out in four hrs. when we are at home i reley on two feriocious weeny dogs. hey, dont laugh- those strange mind sausage hounds can inflift a nasty bite, but only ankle high. and they don't cull ANYTHING! possums, deer, skunks (unfortunatly, a serious downside to dog protection) u.p.s. drivers, well you get the idea. hey, whatever works, right?
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Old 09-24-2010, 01:45 PM   #57
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

I had my 05 CRF250R stolen from my garage in May and the only reason I got it back was the lowlife didn't turn the gas on and my Stepdad happen to driveby while he was trying to kick on the corner a few blocks from my house. It started and ran that far with the fuel in the carb bowl. He kicked in the dining room window and went through the house into the garage. He couldn't get the opener button on the wall to work (there is a switch on the side that disables the opener to keep a stolen remote from working, I keep it disabled most of the time) so he used the emergency release to open it. What sucks even worse is that I taught this particular lowlife how to ride, it was my wife's nephew. With that info I hunted him (and his girlfriend down, she was his driver to the house), took everything I had, pictures, address, tag #'s, ect to the cops, then they sat on it for 3 weeks. They finally called me with their plan and as coinsidence would have it, he was in court across from police station, they picked him up and he confessed and his girlfriend rolled on him. I've made it a goal to make sure he does jailtime, I've been to all the hearings so far, at this point its down to senticing in Oct.

5 days after the bike was stolen, my wife's car was broken into and her CD player was stolen along with all my daughter's kid music (she's 3). I found out that it was a group of addicts that my nephew ran with but I got that as a rumor so I can't prove it 100%. I have been coming home from work in the earily morning hours and have been cruising by their house on the way home with my camera. There have been 100+ breakins just like this one in about 3 neighborhoods around where they live. So if their cars aren't there when I drive by, I cruise all the neighborhoods that have been hit. So far I have found their car parked in a few areas and have taken pics and given them to the police. I'm not stopping until their caught. The detective I have been working with says some stolen prop has turned up in a pawn shop a town over with their name on the ticket, so it looks like some progress.
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Old 09-24-2010, 02:29 PM   #58
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Originally Posted by Sillyoldman View Post
Another consideration is if you do have a garage door opener chances are your newer vehicle has a buit in remote too. unless you park it in the garage don't program it. Breaking into your shop is as simple as busting out you car window and pressing a button.
I rarely park my cars outside, but my homelink is wired so that it only works in "run", so no worries there.
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Old 10-13-2010, 09:58 PM   #59
pat 70/71
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

when I was a kid my dad had six motorcycles! he was a hard core racer. moto/ desert/ flat track/any thing he could race every weekend! any way, one night some dirt bags tried to break into our garage! My dad heard something and was waiting for them. one guy pulled our garage door open and held it wile the other slid under the door. My dad (former boxer) let the guy come in & turned on the lights and gave the dirt bag a beat down he would never forget! I woke up to the police dragging this guy to the cop car k-od & bleeding! the cops told my dad " in the future call us and don't handle matters like this your self" My dad is gone now but this post made me think of him and how he was so old school. RIP PADDY! cheers, Pat
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Old 10-14-2010, 03:40 AM   #60
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

I have found cheep home made motion sensor usually does the trick, we originally did it to keep deer away from the vineyard but works great for people too. Just run a fishing line round the perimeter through a bunch of them little eye screw things in the side of the building and stakes or what have you and run it up to a rat trap. drill bout a 5/8 hole in the trap and silver solder a nail on the snappy part. put a shotgun shell in the trap and set it. if the wire gets tripped the shell goes off. Makes a bang, shot has no backing so it can't go far. just kinda goes bang. Should scare em off, works good on the deer
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Old 10-16-2010, 01:54 PM   #61
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Get yourself a couple of these you won't have any break in problems. They work better if you leave their balls on.
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Old 10-16-2010, 05:39 PM   #62
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Originally Posted by Driveway Dreams View Post
Here in Colorado we have a "make my day law". If you catch someone entering your property unlawfully, you are allowed to use any necessary force to stop them. Including shooting them.
Thats it im moving, i like that law, here you can get in jail if you do any harm to a thief, all you can do really if you catch them in the act is to ask if they want a cop of coffe.

on the street where i live in the last 20 years we have never had a breakin

dogs are proberly a reason why

Tonight mine pulled a few cars out of snowbanks, and is sitting in my driveway, icicles on the grille, wheels just white cakes of snow, buried up to the lug nuts in powder, straps and chains wrapped around the bumpers, the outline of the wipers clear in 4 inches of snow on the windshield... A tired warrior of the 1980s in a world of low profile tires, front wheel drive, and plastic bumpers, where people stay in their houses until snowplows move the offending substance from their paths, too helpless to travel without AAA and chains and salt, clearing their windows with longhandled brushes while gently stepping around in the snow trying to stay nice and dry.

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Old 10-21-2010, 05:21 PM   #63
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

interesting video......don't use tint,use paint,much like a car the tint will hold the glass so it's not as noisy breaking....

also heard the pin pads can be defeated by running a box cutter blade behind them.

going away for the weekend?
lock the rollers to the track useing sliding locks that go threw holes drilled in the roller tracks ......and i know someone used key locks in there too,you could pound them off but thats noisy(Said it keeps the kids from leaving it wide open too,they have to use the side door)

This is my portable burglar sometimes gives off false alarms,but it is learning mode,
and with those ears seems to hear everthing lol

at least when i shoot,i just aim 3 feet up from the bark
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Last edited by motornut; 11-09-2010 at 11:57 AM. Reason: spotted my roller locks in a picture
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:57 PM   #64
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

"3 feet up from the bark." That's funny right there!
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:32 AM   #65
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

my buddie installs this 3m security film stuff and it seems to work pretty well. my girlfriend community center used to get broken into all the time but since the got this stuff put on i don't have to drive her down twice a week in the middle of the night to secure the place.

Last edited by foxhole; 10-22-2010 at 02:32 AM.
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Old 10-22-2010, 12:59 PM   #66
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

Thats some tough stuff. I wonder if you can just order it and do it yourself.
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Old 10-25-2010, 08:56 AM   #67
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

when did they stop putting locks on the doors that slide a bar into both tracks
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Old 10-25-2010, 11:31 AM   #68
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

the locks controlled by the handle out front has to be bypassed as the automatic opener won't unlatch these,so they are prob there just not used
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Old 10-30-2010, 06:39 PM   #69
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Re: Someone tried breaking into my garage.....

I have a couple rules i follow as i live on a busy street and you have a perfect view of my garage thats behind my house, but is clear as day between my one neighbour and myself.

I generally work in the garage with the doors shut. Its rare that you see my garage doors open. If i work outside, the doors are still shut and i go in through the service door.

I don't have remote openers as only the play vehichles are in the garage. I do not feel its an inconveinence to get out and open the door considering my doors are more secure without the openers.

My doors are always locked, with the slide locks on BOTH sides that go through the tracks. Additionally, i have holes in the tracks where i can install pad locks too just above a roller wheel. My service door has a lock AND a deadbolt, with 3" screws going into the jamb, and my hinges are on 3" screws also.

My doors have NO windows, thats what lights are for----and then you'll also appreciate a well light garage that you have when go into your buddies barely lite garage to help him.

I have two smaller windows (long top and bottom and short sides---like a basement window) that are on my back wall. Its going to take some effort to climb up in there to get in, and i am going to add bars that will go through the window jambs, with cross bars that are welded in. I also have that light diffuser stuff they put in overhead flouresant lights on the windows to secure any views in.

If they really want it, they will get it. I don't show off my vehicles in the driveway. It's bad enough my car trailer sits on the side of the garage in plain sight as far as i am concerned. But it too is padlocked and chained in various places. If they want to go through that much effort to get my stuff, then as much as it sucks, I guess they can have it. And better hope i don't find them because i will go to jail for it. But i feel they can hit targets that are FAR easier than mine. Hell, my house isn't as secure as my garage.

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