Re: Don't Do it Running - There is a better way
Originally posted by rcorkren
I have done the valve adjustment while the engine is running and it is too messy, hot and a pain in the a$$.
I have a better way... A buddy told me about this, and I tried it on my new motor about 2 weeks ago.
*** This easier done with the tool that hooks up to your starter for bumping the motor over ****
Just like always, make sure the #1 cyc. is on compression stroke and at TDC.
(This is easier if you have a harmonic balancer that has a degree tape already on it)
Divide the harmonic balancer into quarters... what I did was get a fabric tape measure and measured the circumference of the balancer. Then you divide that number by 4. This will tell you how big your quads are going to be - I believe my were 4" or 5" each quad.
Now that you have this number... measure from TDC counterclockwise the distance you found above and make a mark on the balancer - this should be 90 degrees from the TDC mark on your harmonic balancer. Then measure from that mark using the number you found above and make another mark - this should be 180 degrees from the TDC mark on your harmonic balancer. Then measure from this mark the same distance as before and make another mark. This should put you at 270 degrees from the TDC mark going in a counterclockwise direction.
Now that you have you harmonic balancer marked, and assuming you have your valve covers off. Adjust the #1 cyc valves.
Loosen or tighten the rocker nut so that there is just a slight up and down play in the push rod - I kept having to wipe the push rods and my fingers off in order to ensure my fingers wouldn't slip.
Once you have got just a slight up and down play in your push rod tighten the nut 1/2 turn. Anymore than that will result in the lashing being too tight. Adjust both valves on the #1 cyc. this way. When you are done with #1, bump the motor over so that the next mark on your haramonic balancer lines up with the TDC mark on your timing can cover.
You can get away with being 4 - 6 degree advance or retard with regards to your balancer mark and TDC.
Now that you have bumped your motor over and the mark is all lined up adjust the #8 cyc. in the same manner as #1.
After each cyc. adjustment, you should line up the next mark with the TDC mark on your timing cam cover and adjust the cyc. according to the firing order - SBC 18436572.
If you go over the mark more than 4 - 6 degrees then try rotating the motor back - this should be really easy if the spark plugs are out of the heads by turning the converter or flexplate.
After you are all done you should have completed 2 complete rotations of the balancer to get all cyc. adjusted and back to TDC.
This will work great for stock or real mild cams...but will not work for performance cams..the overlap and steeper ramps of a performance cam need to be adjusted on the heel of the cam..the only way is E/C-I/O method
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications
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67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44