no, ya'll only see part of the problem and choose to not go about it the right way. This has been discussed time and time again, recently at which was in this area for a time..
As I state in that thread, we rarely share info.. but ya'l keep on assuming we are idiots on a power trip. Here is PART of the reason the user is no longer here. The rest is just remaining as it is.
Originally Posted by OYMC
Power Drive your ass hole you ****ING DICK
Originally Posted by OYMC
I've been a paid member for some time and have been an active part in supporting fellow members of this forum... You want to warn me about spamming so that I continue contributing to a highly followed thread then go **** yourself because I'm done being a part of this bull**** site!
If you feel we have "screwed you over" by locking a thread, I do so apologize. But perhaps instead of assing out in a thread, going off and pretty much irritating the crap out of me first thing in the morning.. you should had PMd an Admin and asked us to open it.
Subject closed... if you wish to discuss it, go about it the proper way. If you wish to discuss the subject matter of the locked thread, then perhaps start a new topic on the actual subject matter and not on the ability of the site Admins.