They gave me a 30 day guarentee, if it didnt run just take it back to them. But BB are hard to find around here that havent been used in a marine installation. The big problem with those old marine engines is you will never get all that flaking rust out of the block and you will clog more radiators then you can count. The burnt piston is no big deal to me, I've got some others floating around here some where. I have a complete rotating assembly for a 502 but havent been able to find a block for under $1000 used and then I have to buy heads, brackets and pulleys..blablabla.... before you know it I have a $6,000 engine that will see 1,000 miles a year.
There are at least 50 junk yards in the Miami area, guess how many had a 454 of any year. Just one
Too bad teeitup dosn't live closer to me, he has a stock pile of them.