Fuel Pump Pushrod doesn't fully travel
Okay y'all, i'm in need of your opinions and expertise once again. So i finally got my original fuel pump pushrod to fall out (which it turns out i bent in the beginning because i was an idiot) after also pulling my camshaft. But the problem now seems, that the new pushrod will not fully travel up into the bock. It gets right up to the lip where it would enter into the block to make contact with the cam but when i push it up by hand it seems to snag right at the top or like something is holding it from going up all the way. I'm 98% sure this is not supposed to happen because how else would it make contact with the camshaft? I hope this all makes sense. I can take pictures to explain if i need to. Thanks!
 '69 Chevy Stepside 350sbc 4speed automatic 2wd
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