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Old 01-23-2004, 11:57 AM   #26
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Man thats scary, do you live near any mental institutions, perhaps there's an empty rubber room with her name on it somewhere! Glad you're all OK. The whole ground floor of my house is alarmed at night, its a PITA if you wake up in the night and want to go downstairs as it makes a noise as soon as it sees you but well worth it. We've been burgled twice in the last nine years, the latest last september, both times when we were out. I have chucked a local junkie out of my back yard on a couple of occasions where she was looking for stuff to steal, boy do these people know there rights as soon as I laid my hand on her shoulder she was accusing me of assault, I invited her to call the Police and we'd see who's side they took. I now have gates at the side of my house to stop this happening again. The world's becoming a sadder place to live in.

'67 C10 long fleet.
350/TH350, 4 bbl Carter, K&N, Dual exhaust, loads of stuff coming soon

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Old 01-23-2004, 12:03 PM   #27
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That would freak me out, but would never happen at my house. And I usually keep the door unlocked
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Old 01-23-2004, 03:44 PM   #28
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I agree. With a shotgun you own the night!
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Old 01-23-2004, 04:49 PM   #29
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Occurences like that are why I sleep with my fully loaded 9mm right under the head of my mattress...very close and very accessible. Glad that nothing happened though, it could have been a lot worse!
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Old 01-23-2004, 05:00 PM   #30
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She just walked in the back door, which was unlocked. My kids and their friends allways know our house is a safe haven, so to speak. We have told them they are allways welcome here, even if were not home, and NO this chick was not a friend or aquaintence of any of my kids. The doors all are locked now. Whats really wierd about this hole thing is, I usually go to bed at 8 ish, cause I get up at 2am to go to work. I'm usually a very sound sleeper, could've slept thru the hole thing. Thanks for everybodies concern and advice, but all is well here now.
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Old 01-23-2004, 08:19 PM   #31
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sounds to me like she was trying to find out if anybody was home and if not she was going to rob u and if someone answered she would make up some bs excuse

that would freak the hell out of me.
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Old 01-23-2004, 09:44 PM   #32
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i live in a rural area, i remember back when i was 19 or 20 , it was 3:30 in the morning and i heard people talking downstairs , my dad told me what was going on later, , he got up about every 2 hours for a glass of milk , and he said he looked out side and saw a man standing at our back door with his coat open , it was absolutleyfreezing out and raining buckets, we live in a rural area , no neighbors for at least half a mile ,, dad walked to the door with a reminton 1100 12 in one hand , than man said he was not a thief , was just cold and hungry ,, but he looked like an escape convict, dad let him in , pulled a chair up by the wood stove in the middle of the room ,,now ill tell you , the first thing you noticed walking into our house , there are more guns on the wall than pictures, we do alot of hunting , no less than 10 long guns and 3 or 4 revolvers, the first words after THANKS , out of this guys mouth was " boy you sure do have a lot of guns,, and you would have to know my father , he is very soft spoken and rarely gets loud , reminds me of gus in lonesome dove ,, any way , as soon as that guy said that my dad quickly followed in a low gruff voice " YEAH , ITS EASY TO GET IN HERE ,, BUT ITS A REAL SON OF A B**CH TO GET OUT" by this time me, 6 foot 230 pounds and my brother 6'2" 270 ,, and not fat, were standing in the same room , so any bad thoughts this man may have had quickly left,, said he had been walkin al night , trying to get home to chicago, we are 3 hours spouth of chicago , my dad gave him 2 packs of smokes and fed him some bacon and eggs and told him we would give him a ride to the local caseys , there were trucks heading through there all day long and he could catch a ride home ,, we dropt him off ,, my mom worked there and this man didnt know that, she told us after we left the man loaded up in a semi with a fella, said he was heading for georgia,, figure that one out
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Old 01-23-2004, 09:45 PM   #33
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oh yeah ,, i slept with a 45 long colt in the holster over my bedpost , ,my brother the same so you know what was in our hands when we walked into the room
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Old 01-23-2004, 10:08 PM   #34
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I hear ya on people not being in the house when they are not invited... I got my son a present on his first b-day so that when I am not around I don't have to worrie... He is right at 150# here in the pic with my boy who is 3
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Old 01-23-2004, 10:12 PM   #35
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That is very Freaky...I had a friend that had sumthin similar happen to them not to long ago...Creeped me out. Cause even now we hardly ever lock our doors at night
Brian Smith - "Born To Lose"
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Old 01-23-2004, 10:44 PM   #36
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Last summer, I had something similar happen to me. It was about 2:00 in the morning, and heard someone come in the house, thinking it was my sister coming home from a late night, so I didnt think much of it. Then the next thing I know my door is open, with the light on, and a good 6'3 and every bit of 250 pounds standing in the door way. Once I sat up, the guy took off out the door. Called the cops, and 5 minutes later he was there.(the cop is also my neighbor) Cop didnt find anyone around town, too bad he didnt catch him.
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Old 01-23-2004, 11:12 PM   #37
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Sorry to hear about the scare. Nother good case to have loaded weapons next to you when you sleep. I find it easier to have the ammo chambered and the safety off of a shot gun and a .45 handgun. Never too early to teach the young one safe handling and shooting techniques.
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Old 01-23-2004, 11:51 PM   #38
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hats off to you 67sss for keeping your cool, I think you did the right thing, if you would of got nasty who knows how it would of turned out, specially when you got kids in the house.get yourself a guard dog, one that makes a good pet too.
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Old 01-24-2004, 12:07 AM   #39
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Sounds like a local looney farm escapee....
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Old 01-24-2004, 01:07 AM   #40
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Originally posted by Clancy68

not a shred of doubt here on that one, on a truck forum, you have a savage looking rifle in your avitar, and your from Tx.


HAHA yeah thats the official noise checking device there that or the defender
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Old 01-24-2004, 01:26 AM   #41
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All's well that ends well...
You did everything right...a laser guided missle or 2000 round per minute water cooled depleted uranium shell shooting hand gun wouldn't have changed anything. Dad was on the case and the drama was kept to a minimum, good job.
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Old 01-24-2004, 01:32 AM   #42
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YOURE EXACTLY RIGHT DTILLY, i have a 3 yearold son in the house with me at all times, there are guns littering the walls and shells in easy reach , see i believe , and know because i was one once to ,, that kids are curious, you hide it in a safe place and they will find it and not know what it does, my son has watched me shoot these guns and evn stood beside me a few times rabbit hunting with the beagles,, see if they are in the wide open for all to see then he is not curious about them , they are nothing new or nothing to fuss about , and he knows he is gonna get his behind tanned if i catch him lay a finger on them.,, some thing funny did happen tho , first time rabbit hunting ,, i was cleaning it , as soon as i removed its hide , i cut the head off , he then asked me where i put the face!!! ha ha ha, he proceeded to tell his mom and everyone that came over that i took the rabbits face , ha ha ha
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Old 01-24-2004, 02:35 AM   #43
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I hope this is not high-jacking your thread, but a very important issue came up here. An unwanted person was in your house. You are VERY lucky they didn't pull out a weapon when you woke up. You and your family were in grave danger, and I am happy you were blessed things worked out the way they did. We too often read about the other way things COULD have turned out.

Firearms are not a toy, and children need to be taught that with first hand experience and parental training. I will quite now before this turns in to a political thread.
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Old 01-24-2004, 03:16 AM   #44
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Does not sound as if she had any reasonable excuse for being in your house. Chances are she was either stoned, drunk, or preparing to burglarize your house. Lock them doors, maybe get an alarm (even one from radio shack that just alerts you when doors or windows are opened and does not call anyone), and have both a phone and weapon nearby. If that had happened to me I would have had my handgun in one hand and the phone in the other. Glad to hear that you and your family are OK. By the way, if you have a handgun or plan to purchase one there are companies that make small handgun vaults that you can keep in a nightstand or under your bed. When I was a police officer many of my counterparts kept their duty weapons in such vaults while at home. Some had a keyed lock and some had a digital lock that could be released in a matter of a second or two. Again, glad you and family are OK.
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