Re: Craftsman tools name sold.
My understanding was that Stanley was the supplier of many Craftsman tools for many years. Craftsman tools have not been made by Sears in years, maybe not ever. I have "not Craftsman" ratchets produced in a Stanley Tools plant in Western Massachusetts many years ago. The foundry would do test runs to ensure molds were correct, tooling was correct, etc. They would not put the Craftsman name on the end products as the tools were intended to be discarded and with the brand name attached the discards could be traded at a store for new. The individual who brought them home worked at the foundry and, I'm told, obtained many of said test tools which were re-distributed among friends.
I'm a professional mechanic. I have a box full of Crafstman tools, much to the chagrin of the Snap-On and other pro tool dealers. Their tools may be nice, but most of them do not do a job faster and none of them are loss-proof.