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Old 01-12-2018, 09:15 PM   #26
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

Originally Posted by joedoh View Post
I agree, I learned a long time ago not to judge someones actions with my best intentions.
If you will notice no where do I say that he is wrong, or "judge" him, JUDGE him are you kidding me?

No where I did do anything of the sort, no where did I say he was wrong, no where did I say that what he had in mind was wrong, I simply said to think about it, to think about what HE needs.

It's a huge decision and I want him to have all the info before he jumps into it, that's all, nothing evil. If I can provide some info for him to make the right decision for HIM than I am here to do that as I am to help people with how to do something.

I have chopped many tops, everything from Model A coupes to a curved glass 55 Chevy. If someone comes here wanting info on how to chop their 59 Impala I am going to jump in there and tell them to re-think it as the metal in chopping the top isn't the hard part and in fact it's like putting an emblem on after a paint job compared to the paint job it's self comparing the top chop to getting glass for that top chop. So if I say nothing and watch him chop the top on his 59 Impala I would be a damn jerk.

No, I am going to speak up and make it clear so he understands how difficult it is. That is all I did here, geeez.

We gave him some info so he can make up his mind, withholding that info is wrong!

1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

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Old 01-12-2018, 09:36 PM   #27
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

I didnt say you told him it was wrong, and I will spell it out carefully without endless paragraphs of more "I"'s than a spider and more "me"'s than a choir, I said you are giving him advice based on your best intentions and not experience. well founded advice is drawn from experience, not from influence or thought.
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Old 01-12-2018, 10:06 PM   #28
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

Originally Posted by joedoh View Post
LOL I am more than 100% certain Martin was throwing shade on using late model frames as swaps, not buying a 15-20+k custom built frame from a custom frame builder.
ROFLMAO I would have been closer to have went that route!!!
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Old 01-12-2018, 10:40 PM   #29
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

sorry, I must apologize for my rant on frame swaps being pretty in depth. I guess I forgot the part about you doing a few S10's before. I did read that part too, my mistake. I got wrapped up in my frame swap experience and was thinking this could put a less patient guy under the bus.
how about a few pics of the 2 trucks? is the old one pretty solid? I guess with your S10 experience you already know the bad that can be lurking behind a bubble in the paint. will you be doing an electronic fuel injection engine/trans combo from the donor or possibly using a carbed engine and non electronic trans? will you use a smaller tire to fit the look of the old trucks better or will the stock diameter tire from the donor work? if smaller diameter have you done the math for rpm at highway speeds? are you dropping the suspension so it is in the weeds or more of a stock height? use the floor and firewall from the donor or the original cab with the appropriate spacer blocks to level things out?
I know, lots of questions. inquiring minds wanna know.

anyway, please accept my apologies for the previous, possibly negative, post on your frame swap. maybe the rant will be read by someone else who it may possibly help.
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Old 01-12-2018, 11:19 PM   #30
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

We are just trying to help, no I haven't done a bunch of frame swaps, but I have built and co-built too many cars to list for the 45 years. What I am looking at is more what's in the heart more than whats on the tool box. And I could see the OP has a lot of heart in this truck and he wants to use it, wants to drive his pops work truck which is so cool it's crazy! That's what I am working with, now Ed, just do what you think is right for what you need in that truck everyday.

1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

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Old 01-13-2018, 06:19 PM   #31
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

Originally Posted by Edsabo View Post desire was to save a bit of money as I already own both vehicles and only need 1 of them.
i think you will find that swapping frames does not save money nor time. first off by cutting up both trucks you lose the use of both trucks for years while you construct one truck, if it ever gets completed. this means you need to buy another vehicle just for the build. selling the newer truck will probably pay for most of the parts to get the parts to build the old truck.
my 58 has been on the road since 2010. other than mustII ifs, crate motor and rebuilt 700r4; it is mostly junkyard parts on a stock frame. living in snow country limits my use but i still manage to put 5000 miles per year on it.

Originally Posted by Bruces View Post
I think if you re read post #3 above ,you guys might see that he has already done some s10 swaps .
if i read #3 correctly he "saw'' many s10 frame swaps on this forum
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Old 01-14-2018, 03:42 AM   #32
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

whenever I see threads like this, i like to reflect on youtube...

Since there is no right answer, as each have there own merits. Me, personally, i'm an OG frame guy, but i'd do a frame swap in a second if the scenario was right.

I guess my advice is look at the 3 areas of any project: 1. Time 2. Cost and 3. Scope. Find the formula that best works for you.

Then go to a few car shows this summer, find some trucks you like and see what they did and see if that aligns with the aspects of your project above.

When you've got all that figured out, stop on back here, lurk around, say hi, and keep us posted on what you do

Lastly, have the flexibility to change any of the 3 aspects as life changes. From personal experience, i can tell you that on the short-term, my time availablity has shrunk significantly, but i'm ok with that.

good luck!
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Old 01-14-2018, 09:34 AM   #33
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Re: Seeking Knowledge

hey Ed, have we boggled your mind yet?

how about a few pics to lighten things up some.
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