Originally Posted by cleszkie
Back away from the keyboard. You are missing the point of my remark. I paid to keep a LoJack activated in one of my vehicles for several years. This was before the availability of much more cost effective tracking devices. So to my point - the OP has found a system that will probably work very well, but is concerned that it is too inexpensive. I merely suggested that if he wanted to rid his wallet of more money, he could invest in a LoJack, which, according to what I paid to install mine and the activation fees, is substantially more expensive than the system he has found.
It's hard to "miss" the point if you don't state it :-)
Now that you've explained more clearly I would agree with you. Your initial post just came across as "Lojack users = Stupid".
To your point, however, my fundamental concern with LoJack is it's a perpetual cost and I keep my cars forever. I've got LoJack in a car I've had for 49 years, because it's special to me after all this time, but 50 years of fees would add up! Actually I have it in two vehicles.
It does work however... when I took the "spare" keys for my truck that didn't have the fob on it, I got a call a few minutes later that my truck had been moved.