Originally Posted by custom10nut
It appears to have good bones, but beware of the fresh paint. What is it covering up. And hour and a half drive isn’t that far, but then again I live 30 minutes away from the nearest town. Take your coveralls, a light, and a piece of cardboard, to lay on when you crawl underneath. Also take a friend that has a pension for details, has he can be your unbiased second pair of eyes.
Is there a way he can prove to you that it did in fact come “from Nevada”, through messaging?
In my opinion and my opinion only, the asking price is high. The question is, what will he accept if you have the cash in hand. Remember, cash talks and BS walks.
Good luck 
Unfortunately my eyes are the only ones that I can count on. And I agree on the truth of its western origins and how that may be a selling point for unwary buyers. The condition of the floor and bed supports will tell that tale. As for the price, my inner negotiator already tells me $8000 maybe.