Originally Posted by stilldreamin6772
I did heat up the frame and bend it in some. Then used one grade 8 washer so the box clears the frame Because I couldn't get it hot enough with my Map gas torch to dimple the top part of the frame. There is a washer in all 4 holes so that it's not twisting.
The trick is to cut a "T" shaped slot using a cut-off wheel. Using the gear box as a guide, make the horizontal cut along the fold at the top of the frame rail. The vertical cut should be centered along the vertical "barrel" of the gear box.. Use a ball peen hammer to bend the two "L" shaped tabs inward enough to clear the gear box and grind the top of the frame for clearance.. Carefully weld up the slits. Prime and paint to prevent rust. No need for spacers, washers, etc..