i have an 86 brown and tan burban 350 c10 ....

i read in a post earlier in the board about the fan control vacuum line or whatever that comes thru the firewall (that lets air come out at the feet irregardless of fan switch setting) i have that problem and the line is disconnected; where does it go?...this made me look closer at the VECI decal for vacuum diagram to check if everthing was right, but i have a vacuum line thats the little baby line that comes from the charcoal cannister and goes to the decel valve and tees off to a "trans conv" valve or switch..or at least its supposed to...my tee has a cap on it...i was wondering if anyone could take a picture of thiers or tell me where i could find a better vacuum diagram than the label or if you know what a trans conv switch is ....ummmm thanks